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My $70 (plus $70 shipping) wedding dress is here!

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Laura its about time, j/k!!!


It looks like the dressmaker did a pretty good job, it looks very similar to the one you wanted (except I keep picturing it being pink!)


I love the neckline and I think the different direction of the material on the waist area makes your waist look tiny


All in all, I think its very pretty and you got a fantastic deal on it!


Now, how do you feel about it? Is it "the" dress for you? because thats really all that matters.

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Originally Posted by laura b View Post
You guys are cracking me up.
Something's wonky with my camera, so the pics are a little glurry as my son would say.
But here they are!
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hi Laura,
love that the dress was only $70 but I would like to be truthful...I don't really like on you, I'm sorry to say. the top looks to big, the skirt is ok but what's up with the poofy stuff on the right (in pics but must be on the left of you dress) the sashy sort of stuff. I'm not sure if it's the right dress for you. I'm sorry, to say that...but don't want to lie, u know? and I'm sure you will tell me the truth about me when I take pics of my dress when I finally put it on.
I do like the waistline but thats it.
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gosh - it's about time!! jk!


o.k., I really like the waist area! It makes you look tiny!! I like the neckline, but it does look too big. Maybe when you have it altered, they could pull it tighter and make it look not as bunchy around the boob area.


Didn't you say that you were going to see if they could remove the pinkish tule (sp?) stuff on your left side and replace it with some that is more of the color of the dress?? I think if you do that, then the dress will look really nice.


My only other concern would be getting too hot in it. If you can handle that - the dress is prefect!

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