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What about Grandma?

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My Nana is 80 and is really concerned about making the trip. She helped raise me and not having her there is not an option for me.


I was wondering if any of you have had experience in bringing elderly family members? What kind of special arrangements did you have to make? How did it work out? Any other ideas?


This is really important... I will have to cancel my DW if we can't figure this out. crybaby2.gif


Jenna Kennedy

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I had figured that my FI's grandmother who is 80 wouldn't be able to come and I know that will be so hard for FI. I would also love to hear how anyone was able to incorporate an elderly family member.


His grandma is 80 but is mobile and fairly healthy. I worry mostly about enduring the long flight.

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My 93 year old grandmother is planning on coming to my brother's wedding in Hawaii this April. There was concern about how well she's going to handle the long flight but we cleared it with her cardiologist. As for who is going to help her-- my aunt & uncle are also supposed to be going the wedding and she is going to fly out with them. At the wedding she'll have an adjoining room with my aunt & uncle. As for while we are in Hawaii, that hasn't been worked out yet. She's walking & determined but can't always keep up. As for my DW-- we haven't even talked with her about it. Waiting to see what happens with my brother's wedding first.


A big problem with long flights-- especially for the elderly, is blood clots. Make sure she sees her doctor in advance and find out what (if any) blood thinners they may recommnd for her. Also, make sure you get her compression tights for the flight to help with circulation. They're expensive but worth it! My SIL got a blood clot on the flight home from their honeymoon and it was SCARY!


Good luck!

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Neither sets of my grandparents and one set of FI's grandparents are not able to come to the wedding. Some of them because of the cost, but some because they are simply not up for the travel. This has been very hard for us, as our family is SOO important to us.


We have decided to make our legal ceremony (in NC before we leave) as a special day for only our grandparents to be involved with. We aren't doing anything huge, but will take a day in the park to have our legal ceremony done with them there with us and then plan to take them to lunch to celebrate with just them.


It isn't the same as having them at the DW, but at least we can share that time with them and hopefully they will feel special since they have all been such a big part of our lives!!

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My grandfather can't travel and ended up not feeling well enough to make it to my cousin's local wedding. We made sure to pick a chapel that has a webcam he can watch the ceremony on. Not sure if that is an option for you or not. Maybe if you can't do that you could have someone film the ceremony and email it to her if she isn't able to make it?

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My grandma is 87 and is joining us in Cabo. It is a long trip for her-3 hours to the airport and 2 flights to cabo. I have arranged for someone to pick her up and take her to the airport. She is doign the first leg along and I am flying her 2nd flight in combo with 4 people to assist her. I had my mom do the paperwork for her passport. I was a little nervous about it, but she is OK with it and everyone knows to keep an eye on her. Notify the airlines for assistance so she can have someone take her through secruity and to the gate, they will also pick her up on the other side and deliver her to the car.


My grandma is now so excited that she went to get hearing aids after us begging for almost 10 years as she wants to be able to enjoy everyone while there and hear the ceremony. This worked out great for my family as we go that extra bonus. Good Luck

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I totally understand this as my grandma can't come and I was going back and forth on having the destination wedding. Mine is 84 and she just can't travel anymore - plus my mom is constantly worrying about her so I think it would be really hard to have my mom worrying about her the whole time.


My grandma is okay with it which is why we ended up doing it...we are going to have a party the week after we get back though and my grandma will be there...this is what made it seem okay to me - I still feel bad though!


I know there are a lot of handicap rooms. Also, the people at the airport will take your grandmother in a wheelchair to the gate and off the plane as long as you let them know beforehand.

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