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Janine - beautiful dress! i think i am in the Gianinar camp as well. everyone seems so pleased with the quality of their dresses, and if the prices are lower... then i just might be sold!


i am not ordering anything until i have actually tried a few dresses on, just to be sure the style i am wanting will look good on me. i am lucky that i have a few months to hum and haw about it :)

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Originally Posted by JanineA View Post
Ok so I think I have switched teams to Gianinar. I got a little suspicious since Gianinar told me that they couldn't make my dress in linen and lace cause linen is not readily available in China and would have to be imported (POB does have the exact same dress in satin and lace style 4506). So out of curiousity I wrote Duosheng to find out if in the best quality they would be using linen and lace and Wendy said they would try to match as close to linen as possible. I got very disappointed because at close to $500 I don't want to pay for something that isn't linen and lace. So I asked her what material it would be and she wasn't specific and said it would be close. When I asked her what material standard quality would be she told me it would be dress style 4506 satin and lace. Since Duosheng charges $297 for the satin and lace and Gianinarbridal $150 and many ladies seem satisfied with the quality of gianinar I am switching. What would have happened if I didn't ask about what material would have been used....wow, I would have ended up expecting one thing and got another. I kind of wanted the linen since it would have been easier to move in but the lace is just as nice. Here is a pic of it in satin and lace. Pam did you decide who you are going with?
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GORGEOUS Dress! I love it, can't wait to see the real thing!
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Originally Posted by JanineA View Post
Ok so I think I have switched teams to Gianinar. I got a little suspicious since Gianinar told me that they couldn't make my dress in linen and lace cause linen is not readily available in China and would have to be imported (POB does have the exact same dress in satin and lace style 4506). So out of curiousity I wrote Duosheng to find out if in the best quality they would be using linen and lace and Wendy said they would try to match as close to linen as possible. I got very disappointed because at close to $500 I don't want to pay for something that isn't linen and lace. So I asked her what material it would be and she wasn't specific and said it would be close. When I asked her what material standard quality would be she told me it would be dress style 4506 satin and lace. Since Duosheng charges $297 for the satin and lace and Gianinarbridal $150 and many ladies seem satisfied with the quality of gianinar I am switching. What would have happened if I didn't ask about what material would have been used....wow, I would have ended up expecting one thing and got another. I kind of wanted the linen since it would have been easier to move in but the lace is just as nice. Here is a pic of it in satin and lace. Pam did you decide who you are going with?
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Janine, that's an incredible choice! I love it, I'm excited for you! smile29.gif
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So far Gianinar seems to have great reviews, I've read four bad out of two thousand+. But I'm still weary because the dress I love has so much detail but it'll still only be $150. I'm thinking about hunting down someone to do embroidery after I get it in case it's not as good as I want.


Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.


I even found some close-ups of the detail work with the flowers, a website called light in the box that a lot of people rave about did okay but ruined the flower detailing and the embroidery itself was pretty much nonexistent.


So, I'm hitting a sample sale later this year and after that if I don't find anything I'll be ordering the knockoff from Gianinar and cross my fingers that they do a decent job on it, or at least good enough that all I'd have to do is have the embroidery done to my specifications by someone else. If I order from Gianinar I'll definitely share my experience, especially with my dress being so detailed.


I figure the worse case scenario is the dress makes me cry because it's horrible, but there's the possibility that I can find someone to do some detail work to fix it up.

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Oh now I feel stupid, I didn't even realize Gianinar had the same dress already listed and they had pictures up of their recreation...all I can say is it entirely surpassed me expectations for that price, the main thing is they used white and champagne and I'm pretty sure the entire dress is champagne (even have some pictures of the real Tornai that a woman bought that shows the small details much better) and then the embroidery has crystals on it, they didn't add those but I think I can or I can find someone to do that for me, and then the train has some flowers on it and it's ruched which I don't think they were ever supplied with a picture of the train so I'd definitely request them to do that for me. But really, their creation is so much higher than I expected from a high volume shop and especially for the $150. I'm totally leaning for Gianinar now. Still thinking about the sample sale though, we're having two weddings a real one and a "fake," all of his family lives in Georgia, and all mine in Kansas, that's 25 hours of driving and he's got a large family. So, if I can cough up the cash for a second dress I would love to.

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wretcheddeviant I was just thinking the same thing about getting another dress. A lot of people won't be able to go to my Destination wedding so we're going to have another wedding here in March 2011 and I'm thinking my dress needs to get messed up in Punta Cana lol.

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