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Originally Posted by ironman View Post


Woah! I just found this thread and there's no way I can make my way through 540 pages of posts! Will do my best, but if anyone can summarize the overall experience/best sites that would be super helpful!


i've gone through the whole thing! haha. some sellers would be:


Jasmine's Bridal (www.jasminebridal.com)

Babyonline on DHgate

Dressilyme (www.dressilyme.com)


i got my dress from babyonline and couldn't have been more happy!

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I've got no doubt she could be good but it seems to me she's just rushing now.  That's how I feel about my dress from wonderxue, like she just threw it together quickly.  Some parts are well made and others are completely shocking.  I wouldn't chance it.  So many beautiful dresses in this thread from others, it's not worth the potential fail.  I'm still trying to sort mine out and get a refund. 

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Originally Posted by Allalala View Post


Hi everyone!!!!

I am a n00b to posting here but have been lurking for a while.

So here it is: the dress purchase has to be done ASAP, and by ASAP I mean like 2 weeks ago.

Anyhoo, I have decided that China will be the source (for obvious budgeting reasons) and I've done a ton of research. Jasmine's is absolutely fantastic with their replicas but the prices are pretty high.... Then there is DH Gate, where I am stuck between 2 sellers (Babyonline and hua_yi_zhang/Denia's Bridal). I plan on spending somewhere around 600-700 regardless.


The ultimate question is this: Should I buy 3 dresses from DH Gate (1 of them has GOT to be good right???) or a single dress from Jasmine's?

Whatcha guys think???

Thanks :D

So I went ahead and didn't take anyone's advice lol. I took the quantity over quality route and ordered 3 dresses from Babyonline.  Some of you might think I'm crazy but I figured it would be nice to have choices plus a possible TTD opportunity as well. 

The dresses I ordered are not of the simple variety so here's hoping!


I'll either be jumping with joy in about 3 weeks or spilling tears of agony. In any case, I PROMISE pics! You guys are gonna wanna see these ;)

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Originally Posted by misschia View Post



i've gone through the whole thing! haha. some sellers would be:


Jasmine's Bridal (www.jasminebridal.com)

Babyonline on DHgate

Dressilyme (www.dressilyme.com)


i got my dress from babyonline and couldn't have been more happy!


I have been looking at this thread for WEEKS!.....hahah and still hasn't gone through all 540 pages....oh my. 


Misschia - Thank you for pointing out some sellers.  I know you have some good experience from babyonline.  Was all the details and material of the dress similar to the original? 


Has anyone have any experience with 'hjklp88' seller from DHgate?

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Originally Posted by misschia View Post



i've gone through the whole thing! haha. some sellers would be:


Jasmine's Bridal (www.jasminebridal.com)

Babyonline on DHgate

Dressilyme (www.dressilyme.com)


i got my dress from babyonline and couldn't have been more happy!


I have been looking at this thread for WEEKS!.....hahah and still hasn't gone through all 540 pages....oh my. 


Misschia - Thank you for pointing out some sellers.  I know you have some good experience from babyonline.  Was all the details and material of the dress similar to the original? 


Has anyone have any experience with 'hjklp88' seller from DHgate?

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