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That bride was from Canada, so I'm not sure how your comments about the U.S. economy apply here, lol

Originally Posted by prettypigpig View Post

wow..omg $6800 for a giant Swiffer 360 duster.  No wonder US economy is going downhill.

CamilleA, there is another thread for brides to sell their leftovers on this forum.


Originally Posted by prettypigpig View Post


Sorry that I was a bit bold.  I am not slamming on the choice of the dress.  I am more shocked on the price of the dress.  I am sure it is nice fabric and quality, but still I just find it a bit excessive given the current situation of the economy which millions of houses are getting foreclosed, and so many unemployed people  (and yes, I am always perplexed on how the US economy reaches this point, deep in debts everyone and everywhere) .  $6800 is a few months of mortgage, and maybe the whole wedding for some brides on a limited budget.  Ladies, I know the dress is very important, and everyone wants to look their best on the day, but Life continues after wedding.

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I think we should all just get back to the point of this thread, which is about knockoffs.  Let's not turn this helpful thread to back and forth bickering.  Either way you see it, that post of a $6,000 "bargain" dress was not in the correct thread. And quite honestly, I felt more offended at that then ANY other posts.  I think everyone should be directing their anger at the person who decided to discount $2000 off her overpriced dress and post it on here, which is a thread for brides looking for REAL discounts, not helping someone be reimbursed over 50% of the money she spent on her designer dress.  Must be nice! Go feed off of other brides that don't know how to save real money.  If that was how things worked, I think all of us would be buying designer dresses then getting all of our hard-earned money back by selling our used dress to some other poor girl that doesn't know any better.  Come one girls, let's move on and prove that we're smart bride-to-be's.  THANK YOU!!

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hahaha Karen,


You are the only who noticed it so far!  As matter of fact, Canadians's household debt/ disposable income level is actually higher than the US folks!  Oh yes, currently..Canadian are even worst than US folks.  Except, our housing market hasn't crash yet, so everyone can still squeeze juice out of their home equity!  Does Refinance at a lower rate or get a second mortgage sounds familiar?


So yes, I can also turn it into Canadian version, and it would still apply!  I thought this forum is more USA centric..so I tend to use US as an example, easy to understand, everyone knows what happened.  Of course, I can also turn it into UK version, and it would be the same thing.  I also have the same stats for Eurozone. 


Bottom line, excessive consumption would need to painful consequences.  I am not saying we should save every penny that we earn, but I mean we should have a better capital allocation strategy.



  • Spurge on wedding bands and E-ring.  ok at least gold is appreciating, and resell at fair value is possible Plus we can wear them everyday, so even divide by the # of years of usage, it turns out less than $1K per year.


  • Invest in getting a nice photographer+ videographer, after all...besides our brains (which will get old), photos+video will be there to tell our kids and grand kids about our stories.
  • Don't be cheap on makeup artist, again, we don't wanna look like 1980s in our pics!


  • Save on wedding dress, ok our FIs don't really care (our men love us, not our dress) and can't tell the difference between a Vera Wang and a Maggie Sottero!  It is sad, but they just classify them as big white dress.  The camera too, it can't tell the difference between silk and polyester.  For 1 day or those who has an AHR, for 2 days, it is very hard to justify the cost of a dress at regular price.
  • Fancy flowers centrepieces.  Again I know..I know..we all wanna nice flowers on the tables..but again..CAN WE remember what were the centrepiece of the last 5 weddings that we attendeded?..hmm..think hard...guests don't care, in fact one time...I had to remove the centerpiece, because it was way too big, and it was blocking the communication/conversation.
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WORDS! wink.gif

Actually, my friend who didn't invest in photog and videographer, bought an Enzoani for $3000 (paid by her MIL), and she sold it for $1000 right after her wedding!..she thought it was great as she pocketed $1K! until...she saw her pics 6 months after, and unfortunately she had no dress to reshoot her pics.  So, maybe keep our dress until we see our pics..will be also a good idea.

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