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hmmm...I am a guys' chick, I don't have that many girls within my social circle.  I would have to say...guys don't like puffy dresses in general.  . they refer the style as...the phucking Queen Victoria dress...again I am a Canuck, so maybe other men in other countries like different things (there must be a market if that dress is in a store).  Most of the guys would just pretend to be...WOW when they saw their wife in...Queen Vic style..and thinks..thx god this is just a 1 day thing.  Just ask my FI, an european, he was just like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~.

From what I heard from guys about wedding dress:

1) no phucking Queen Vic style (even most of us love the big puffy ones)

2) smth that shows the curve = yes

3) sexy =yes

4) puffy = no

5) grandmom style with sleeves=no

6) spare tires popping out = no

7) midget looking= no

cool.gif too much spilling out =no

9) too expensive = no...they won't value a Vera Wang as much as we do

10) Why is my wife  wearing this hideous dress? w.t.f.m.f that was she was thinking? it must been her mom's choice! Evil MIL!

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haha Lisa, we are just too picky for our own good I guess!  Have you found THE dress yet?

Originally Posted by lisadias View Post

I LOVE the bodice on this but I see what you mean about the bottom. It depends on if you want it pouffy with gatherings or maybe just a straight a-line with some detail. I do kinda like the pick up dresses. I am no help at all really cause I was just like you. Either I loved the top but not the bottom or vice versa of almost every dress I tried on!!!

Thanks for that link!  The symmetry does help a lot... but I think its still a bit "bigger" than what I'm looking for.  I keep having these mental images of people trying to hug me but my dress is getting in the way lol

Originally Posted by m00sie View Post

Hmm, I see what you mean cookie - nice dress though!


This one of maggies is more detailed, but at least the gathering is symmetrical:




Maybe you could show them a pic of that?


lol prettypigpig, I'm not sure what to make of your comments.  I'm also canadian, also very much a guys' girl (its rare to see me in a dress) and I can say that none of my guy friends share the view that your friends have given you.  Of course, guys like to see women in something form-fitting... but whenever one of their wives has worn a puffier dress to their wedding, none of them have just pretended to be wowed by the sight of their wife in the dress.  Tears and emotion can't be faked that easily!


Anyways, moot point because I said that I wanted to change the bottom half of the dress... its too big for my liking, and I dont like the way it sits.  I just need some suggestions on what I can do with it!  The dressmaker has already told me that they can change it however I like -- I just dont know what to change yet.  That's where I'm hoping those of you who have already gone through this can help :)


Originally Posted by prettypigpig View Post


hmmm...I am a guys' chick, I don't have that many girls within my social circle.  I would have to say...guys don't like puffy dresses in general.  . they refer the style as...the phucking Queen Victoria dress...again I am a Canuck, so maybe other men in other countries like different things (there must be a market if that dress is in a store).  Most of the guys would just pretend to be...WOW when they saw their wife in...Queen Vic style..and thinks..thx god this is just a 1 day thing.  Just ask my FI, an european, he was just like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~.

From what I heard from guys about wedding dress:

1) no phucking Queen Vic style (even most of us love the big puffy ones)

2) smth that shows the curve = yes

3) sexy =yes

4) puffy = no

5) grandmom style with sleeves=no

6) spare tires popping out = no

7) midget looking= no

cool.gif too much spilling out =no

9) too expensive = no...they won't value a Vera Wang as much as we do

10) Why is my wife  wearing this hideous dress? w.t.f.m.f that was she was thinking? it must been her mom's choice! Evil MIL!

Thanks for that info!  I've already gone dress shopping in stores though and have figured out what looks good on me... so its not picking a dress that I need help with, its tweaking the one that I've found. 


I actually disagree with a lot of Randy's advice, I'm constantly yelling at him when he's on TV... I feel like he contradicts himself a lot!  That guy, grrr

Originally Posted by prettypigpig View Post

the TLC site is a great source of info on how to pick a dress...click on the SAY YES to the DRESS, Randy always gives great advices!

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My thoughts are if you have the right dress for your body shape, and a dress that you also LOVE to pieces, then your future husband is going to love it too because you will be grinning so hard as you walk down the aisle your face will just 'light up' and he will think you look absolutely gorgeous :)  


Speaking of big pouffy wedding dresses, did anyone see the documentary on the gypsy brides? Now those dresses are fricking crazy! lol


I also like the front and back of the bottom of this dress:




Might be an option if you are still wanting to go with the gathered look :)




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Cookie maybe if you're still not sure what you want to do with the bottom of the dress, you should keep going to bridal shops to try on.  If you know the top is exactly what you want but your not sure what you like on the bottom, go back to the drawing board and try on dresses looking at the bottom half only.  Once you've decided, on a bottom, "picture it" and "photoshop" and a few other programs will let you cut and paste together different elements of dresses on your computer so you can see what the finished product will look like.  Something else I did was found dresses I liked in magazines and I cut them out.  Cut the bottoms of some and the tops of others, added flowers and took them away.  Once I got it right, took it to work to the lovely color photocopier and copied it and in some cases blew it up to make the photo bigger.  


As far as what the guys like, I got the same type of guy prettypig has I guess.  Although my fiance would love me know matter what I wear, he would not love a big ol pouffed up dress on me.  That is the only thing he expressed when I went dress shopping.  "Please buy something that shows off your curves" were his exact words.  That's it that's all.  Now granted if I were to show up on the day with a big ol cindarella ball gown, he'd still love me to death.  He'd probably never ever tell me he didn't like the dress.  I look at it like this...I want to know what he wants to see me in.  It's our day, equally his and mine.  If I were to send him out shopping by himself for his wedding attire, I'm sure there may be a chance that I may not like one or more items he's chosen.  Maybe a color, cut or fit, or some accessory.  He'd want to know, if I didn't like something he was wearing, which is why I will be guiding him through the process.  Although men have a tendancy to be open to that sort of guidance where fashion is concerned  We have to look at those pictures forever.  I want him to love me and my wedding dress.  That's just my two cents worth.

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If you already tried on dresses, then just tweak it in the style that you like.


Well...as for Randy, strange thing is my FI (when he was forced to watch TLC with me), he was like yes yes..this gay dude is so right!  And then when the chick didn't pick Randy's picks or just got the one she felt herself nice in it....my FI would say like smth like arh...MAUVAIS!!!  By looking at that guy's suits, I could tell they are perfectly coordinated and well made, I wear custom made suits too, so I trust Randy's tastes.


I apologize that I was too raw/ direct.  I agree with you, I don't like the bottom part of that dress too, but the bodice is nice. If you like a big dress, my friend in San Francisco bought an Enzoani dress, big with a cathedral train, with 100% silk, so it is big, but very light and people could hug her without any problem.  I think the name is Belgrade, the front is nice, the back is gorgeous for a church wedding.


I live in Montreal, and been to Calgary a few times for tradeshows (very interesting folks, one even weared a plastic sheep mask because he didn't want to be recognized huh.gif ...I was freaked out), since the oil reached $80, oil sands made Alberta a RICH province!  I hope our natural gas will bring the same to us, so I don't need to pay that much taxes. mouhahaha


As for the tears part...hmm..it started like this...one time (after 3 drinks at 5a7, aka happy hour), a male trader explained his tears to me, it was just the emotion of the moment that he realizes that he found his other half and will spend the rest of his life with...and grow old together made him cried.  Of course I was like oh..I thought you found ur wife ...ah...so pretty in her dress! he was like.."she looked better than other days, her dress was ok, as long as she didn't spend a fortune on it, I am fine".  After this trader, there was also another one who didn't cry and was happy with his wedding day but also find the dress not...err...WOW ( I think that was the one who came up with the term of F-Queen Vic Style...not sure).  Of course, they didn't want to get killed or suspended for "action" activities, so they would just say they were very HAPPY that day, which it is 100% true and honest without any faking involved, except just the dress wasn't the WOW factor at all.  Maybe they just don't care about our dress that much?!?!smile43.gif


Working in the investment industry, I am surrounded by males, F words and drinks.  My former boss (+ colleagues) used to laugh at every dude's wedding whenever there is a fat dress/BM/bride/MIL ( or any of the combination of the 4 mentioned).


Girls!!! Men are as bad as us when it comes to b*tching, nagging and laughing behind others' back! hahaha  my parents got me when they were very young, so we are more like siblings ( we used to club together).  From time to time, my dad would tell me (after 4-5 beers) ...smth like he doesn't like my mom's outfits or she is fat.smile41.gif

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hahaha Ginger..we are on the same boat! I am just a perfectionist, I know my FI would just say WOW..even he isn't that WOW about my dress, but I want myself be WOW and others find me WOW.  After all, I think I lost 40 lbs due to stress during my pre-med year, and somehow I just keep my size 00p, I used to be a size 0, and retailers just keep downgrade their sizes to make us feel better..I think soon I will shop in kids' section. LOL

OK unlike you, who work hard everyday and watch what u eat, I eat whatever I like to eat in small portions and I don't like to move my bum bum at all, I kept my soon to be sub-zero size, because I want to look good in my suits, and my FI to find me cute. 

Good techniques on...picturing your dream dress! btw, your dresses are super nice!

Originally Posted by Ginger1961 View Post

Cookie maybe if you're still not sure what you want to do with the bottom of the dress, you should keep going to bridal shops to try on.  If you know the top is exactly what you want but your not sure what you like on the bottom, go back to the drawing board and try on dresses looking at the bottom half only.  Once you've decided, on a bottom, "picture it" and "photoshop" and a few other programs will let you cut and paste together different elements of dresses on your computer so you can see what the finished product will look like.  Something else I did was found dresses I liked in magazines and I cut them out.  Cut the bottoms of some and the tops of others, added flowers and took them away.  Once I got it right, took it to work to the lovely color photocopier and copied it and in some cases blew it up to make the photo bigger.  


As far as what the guys like, I got the same type of guy prettypig has I guess.  Although my fiance would love me know matter what I wear, he would not love a big ol pouffed up dress on me.  That is the only thing he expressed when I went dress shopping.  "Please buy something that shows off your curves" were his exact words.  That's it that's all.  Now granted if I were to show up on the day with a big ol cindarella ball gown, he'd still love me to death.  He'd probably never ever tell me he didn't like the dress.  I look at it like this...I want to know what he wants to see me in.  It's our day, equally his and mine.  If I were to send him out shopping by himself for his wedding attire, I'm sure there may be a chance that I may not like one or more items he's chosen.  Maybe a color, cut or fit, or some accessory.  He'd want to know, if I didn't like something he was wearing, which is why I will be guiding him through the process.  Although men have a tendancy to be open to that sort of guidance where fashion is concerned  We have to look at those pictures forever.  I want him to love me and my wedding dress.  That's just my two cents worth.

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Hi everyone, I´ve been trying to read this...but I whanted to ask if anyone here had millybridal.com make their dress. I whant að dress with alot of lace and embellishments. I have seen alot of good reviews but none recent, I wanted to know if you ladies had any info?


Love seeing all your beutiful dresses, and am 100% going to get my dress made in china, but not sure wich company to pick...please help me :)



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m00sie - thanks for that link!  I really like that bottom, adding it to my list of things to consider :)


ginger - great advice!  I wish someone had given me that advice before the first time I went dress shopping lol... but I will put it to good use while I continue to look


prettypigpig - no need to apologize, I wasn't offended by your comments!  I just wanted to make the point that different men will like different things, and that not all men may be turned off by a poufy dress... especially because there are a lot of ladies on this forum that are looking for exactly that.  I personally need a tiny bit of pouf to compensate for my tiny hips lol, but I'm with you in that I dont like a big dress on myself either.  It's too different from anything I would normally wear and wouldn't feel like "me".

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