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Originally Posted by Peachy~Girl View Post
Is there a way where I can see the prices on landybridal in US currency?
No but here's a currency converter I use all the time.
Just plug in the value and make sure the "from" "to" is what you want. Even though they're in China they show prices as euros.
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Hey ladies. I just ordered a dress from a designer in China. It is a bridesmaid dress. It looks just like the picture and is made extremely well! The only trouble is...I'm not sure that I like the dress in the color that I chose. Luckily they have a return policy. I was aprehensive about ordering a dress from China but after seeing how close the real thing is to the picture and awesome quality of the dress, I am going to order my wedding dress from one! If I can figure out how to post pictures I will....

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Originally Posted by Sapphire723 View Post
In addition to the question of quality, I feel that it's a bit of a question of ethics. Part of the reason that designer dresses are so expensive is because someone takes a lot of time and effort to come up with an original and beautiful design. The knock-offs are cheaper because they don't have to waste time designing anything if they can just steal someone else's design.

It's also semi-illegal to buy knockoffs. I say semi, because some of the designs are not unique enough for trade dress laws to apply, plus they usually don't prosecute consumers in the US, especially if you only own one knockoff.

Better off buying an original at a sample sale, imo.
ITA with everything you said...

Honestly this forum should probably take a standpoint on fakes/counterfeit items and disallow posting of links to websites that sell fakes.
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Originally Posted by KJT1985 View Post
Has anybody bought a dress with intricate beading? This is the only part i'm slightly worried about....I don't mind if it's not exact I just don't want it really far off so that it's not even the same effect. Thanks guys!
Yep - I ordered this one from Duosheng the whole bodice is beaded and I am excited/freaking out as it arrives this month. I will post pics once I have it.
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