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Hi ladies! Just wanted to share my progress pictures with you all. I ordered this from Jasmine's Bridal and took different parts of several dresses and put them together. The original design was going to be an Alita Graham, but then I changed the bottom to a Jim Hjelm ...and also added a bow in the back:


 5-12-2012 11-22-29 PM.jpg 5-12-2012 11-24-28 PM.jpg IMG_5111.JPGIMG_7109.JPG

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Originally Posted by maggiedinh View Post


Hi ladies! Just wanted to share my progress pictures with you all. I ordered this from Jasmine's Bridal and took different parts of several dresses and put them together. The original design was going to be an Alita Graham, but then I changed the bottom to a Jim Hjelm ...and also added a bow in the back:


 5-12-2012 11-22-29 PM.jpg 5-12-2012 11-24-28 PM.jpg IMG_5111.JPGIMG_7109.JPG

Lovely dress.

I love Jasmines's work.

BTW, One of the dresses on the hanger in the back ( the one next to the pink dress ) is my sister's :)

I'll post the whole experience when done :)

Congrats dear.

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Originally Posted by maggiedinh View Post


Hi ladies! Just wanted to share my progress pictures with you all. I ordered this from Jasmine's Bridal and took different parts of several dresses and put them together. The original design was going to be an Alita Graham, but then I changed the bottom to a Jim Hjelm ...and also added a bow in the back:


 5-12-2012 11-22-29 PM.jpg 5-12-2012 11-24-28 PM.jpg IMG_5111.JPGIMG_7109.JPG

Beautiful!!! Isn't James amazing to deal with??? I ordered my gown from Jasmines too!  I love my gown!

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Originally Posted by JQLong View Post





I saw this dress before we actually got engaged.  This is a Pronovias Gown.


I did extensive searches on replica dress makers.....JasminesBridalShop.com came up in one of my searches.  The service has been amazing.


Here are pics of my dress they emailed me....





My dress was shipped on Thursday.  Not sure if I will be posting pics with me in it....But I will give a full report on how it fits. 

Let me know what you ladies think!


The site I used - www.jasminesbridalshop.com




So...Ladies...after an entire year....I finally have re-united with my dress!!! It was at my MOH's house.....We went for alterations yesterday....


I wanted to share my dress pics on this thread first.....with all of the other "Knock-Off Dress Divas!!!"  Who said you can't look lovely on a budget!


JQ Front before.jpg

Back of dress before .jpg

Prior to the seamstress coming in....


JQ smiling front.jpg

Front of dress after.jpg




Jasmines Bridal did an amazing job with my dress.  The seamstress who has over 40 years experience thought it cam from a "real" dress shop.....I purposely ordred my gown extra long.....it can always be cut....I had her add a bustle to the back.....


I go for my second fitting on June 9th!  So excited! Hope you like!!!

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JQ - your dress is GORGEOUS!!! 

Originally Posted by JQLong View Post


Jasmines Bridal did an amazing job with my dress.  The seamstress who has over 40 years experience thought it cam from a "real" dress shop.....I purposely ordred my gown extra long.....it can always be cut....I had her add a bustle to the back.....


I go for my second fitting on June 9th!  So excited! Hope you like!!!


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Thank you ladies!  I felt beautiful! I have to say I did go through a bit of DR (dress regret...) after ordering it. Nothing to do with the style really...just I purchased it a year ago and had not seen it in person until this past Saturday.  Also....I have lost weight & inches so the dress fit differently than it did in the beginning. The best advise I can give anyone ordering a "knock off" dress is to overestimate in regards to length and get the dress at the weight you are at the time of your measurements.  They can always take the dress in (letting out is more difficult). And always, always....get a great seamstress! 


Ladies....have faith in your dress purchases online....I am thankful for finding this site and thread grouphug.gifbecause I am truly astounded by my dress!

I'll post pictures after my 2nd fitting!



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I have been watching the thread looking for Shade Of Pale updates. At first I wasn't worried at all but now I am really getting worried.


When I got engaged in August 2011, I read through the forum and started communicating with Shades of Pale. I went back and forth with Amalia about 2 months on the dress I had done a mock up of. She was amazing to deal with. Communication was A+ and she always explained things back to me to make sure we were on the same page. I ran across another dress that I just had to have and I immediately started communicating with her about that particular dress (it was parts of 3 different dresses) to make sure it could be duplicated with no problems. She assured me it could. I was asking her when would be the best time to order as I didn't want to order too early. She said if I ordered well before the busy wedding season I should be fine. I asked her if ordering in February 2012 be o.k. She said it would and told me the dress would take 6-8 weeks to complete. I figured if I ordered mid February, received my dress mid April, it would still give me 4.5 months for alterations. (wedding is 8/31/2012)


I sent her the money on February 15, 2012. On March 23rd, I sent her an email asking how the dress was coming along and telling her I would like progress pictures. She responded back saying that the dress would be done between April 5th and 12th. (still didn't mention the progress pictures. In earlier conversations, she told me they would be able to send progress pictures if it wasn't during the busy wedding season. I told her I would order it in time enough to get progress pictures and that NOT receiving progress pictures was not an option)


April 12th came and went. No progress pictures and no email. I emailed her on April 15th and she responded back telling me that she know my wedding was at the end of the summer and she would have my dress ready by the beginning of summer. (she never acknowledged why I didn't receive pics of the dress between April 5th and 12th, but she just said they were really busy and it was the wedding season)


On April 25th I sent her another email telling her that I needed my dress well in time enough for alterations. I told her I understood it was the busy season but I ordered my dress early (in February) just like she encouraged me to so I could get it before the busy season started. She responded on May 1st telling me they had been on a short holiday and that my dress would be done by May 10th. I am still thinking "here it is May 1st and she is saying the dress will be completed 9 days from now so certainly she has to have some production pictures". At this point I told her I didn't understand why she didn't have production pictures unless the dress hadn't been started. Even though she told me she would have the dress done by May 10th, she asked me when I needed the dress so I would have time for alterations. At this point I told her I needed the dress by June 1st because I have to send pictures to the artist making us a custom cake topper and they need pictures of the dress so they can start on the cake topper and have it completed in time for the wedding. (this is the truth but I don't think the artist needs 3 months though....LOL)


Well I haven't heard from her since May 1st and guess what? May 10th came and went and I don't have a dress nor do I have pictures of a dress. I just sent her an email and asked her what my options were. I told her I was getting really nervous because I had read a few horror stories on the message board I frequent (didn't mention the name) and I stressed to her how stressed I was (yeah you read that right), and I just finished the email by asking her what my options were. I did tell her that in the beginning I decided to go with them because of the clear and constant communication, however, now it is almost the opposite.


Although I have 3.5 months before my wedding, I am thinking of asking them for my deposit back so I can go with another vendor. They may be against giving it back, but I don't think they have started on the dress anyway.


What's a girl to do????


Ladies, thanks so much for letting me get that out. I didn't think I was that stressed about it at first, but the trusting them to come through and then not having a dress at the last minute just scares me silly.

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