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??Parts of the Ceremony??

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Okay, so I have been to lots of wedding and have even been in several but I don't know the parts of a ceremony. I am trying to get an idea of our ceremony and I don't know where to start. I know that many brides plan their entire ceremony, what are the steps or parts and in what order are they done?


We are planning on doing a sand ceremony, where does that fit in?


*I tried to search for this and didn't find it, if there is already a posting let me know.


Guest Seated

Groom/Groomsmen arrive

Bridesmaids walk


huh.gif? What next?


Thank you so much, I am at such a loss!!

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I totally understand. We are not having a "church" ceremony so I am in the same dilemma. I don't know if I should have readings or will our ceremony be too short or long.... wacko.giftoo much to think of!!!! I just don't know. There are a few here Sample Ceremony in different styles that I have been using as a guide I guess i'll take it from there. Good luck.

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I am also lost.. I wanted to have a reading before by a family member and the WC said that was fine but we had to start early becasue the Judge wont wait.. I am like WHAT hes getting paid $$$$$ for a 5 minute ceremony basically... then she said that I wuold have to do a sand ceremony after the signing and I am like y?? the judge wont wait... HE BETTER WAIT! Like WTF are you kiddin me? I am working on it askin her to PPPLLLLSSS ask the judge for 10 min of his time... not like he has another wedding that day!

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