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A Little Down Today... :(


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So FI and I got in to a huge blow-out lastnight about lots of random small things which then turned in to money and the wedding. He basically made me feel like I was putting him in the poor house. He said some things that were uncalled for so I played his game and said some things back. It wasn't a very productive night, that's for sure. I just feel so put off today. I leave in a week and a half and I'm not even excited now. I'm just sad. I just wanted to get that off my chest, thanks for listening.

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I totally know what you mean. Sometimes I get crap from FI because we're spending money on things for the wedding that he thinks only matter to me. But trust me, if he showed up to the wedding and it was a crappy party, he'd be pissed! Sometimes the guys just expect everything to be perfect and wonderful and don't want to pay for it. If they were more involved in planning I'm sure they'd see how hard it is to balance budget and having a nice time for your guests. Usually when FI gets like that I just say "OK so can you give me some ideas on how we can change things or cut costs" and he usually just looks at me blankly. Then he shuts up.

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My FI and I get in heated arguements about wedding money as well. He feels like if you can't pay it cash, you shouldnt buy it! He has a set amount of money for the rehersal dinner and the honeymoon. So he likes to make me choose where the money should be allocated to. I can either have a crappy rehersal dinner or a crappy honeymoon. Totally unfair when it's not my fault he waited last minute to save for this. Pisses me off!

I'm sure everything will turn out beautiful and better than you imagined. Just let go of the arguements and focus on the big day. It's not worth not being excited about February 19th!!

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Im so sorry Kathy.. Im sure you are both just stressed with everything coming up so fast. Believe me my FI and I have alot of little fights in relation to the wedding, I just try to blow it off and remember that it will all be worth it in the end! Don't let it dissapoint you too much, especially to the point that your not excited anymore!

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Ahh, I'm sorry you are down today because of the fight sad.gif If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure most couples had that same fight (multiple times) through out the wedding planning process. Although my DH and I were eye to eye on the amount of our budget, he was also insisting that some things were just a waste of $$. But, I didn't hear any crap from him when our guests were enjoying our OOT bag goodies or when we were complimented on our wedding invitations. Boys are just dumb sometimes!


Cheer up, you have some many things to look forward to these next few days! Good luck and I hope your day gets a little brighter!

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Thanks for all your input girls. I'm trying really hard to get past it but I'm having a hard time feeling like everything is my fault (I'm bad for that most of the time, personality flaw I guess lol). I told him if he was unhappy with me that he'd better tell me now because I don't want him to live a miserable life with me...and I meant that. I love him enough to tell him if I'm not what makes him happy that he should find it (I wasn't yelling or being rude when I said this). He makes me happy but if we spend the rest of our lives dwelling on how much money a wedding is/has/did cost us, we're both going to be unhappy. I don't want him to carry around pent-up resentment with him forever...

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I'm sorry you are having a rough time! DH and I rarely fight - unless I spend too much money - then it is a HUGE fight! I think that is the root of all evil LOL! I do know this will pass and you guys will make up and look back and maybe even laugh about the huge fight you got into 2 weeks before your wedding wink.gif! I'm sure the stress levels are high anyways with it being just around the corner - but you both love each other and trust me, everything will work out! Good Luck sweetie!

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