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Hi 2010 brides, I have been engaged four weeks! We are looking at Oct 2010, I have not set an exact date. It seems that finding a location and reasonble wedding package is the HARDEST PART! My FI has set a budget and if I go over than he feels we should just get married at home. He feels my budget defeats the purpose of doing a DW. This seems to be my problem, I cannot find a reasonable wedding package, I want an all inclusive in los cabos or punta cana that is kid friendly, well you can located those place just when it comes to the packages the prices get crazy with additional cost like a reception, open bar(why charge this when its an all inclusive resort) some places punta cana charge 15-26% on top of each extra you purchase. I have become so frustrated.

My FI wants to go to cancun, well we just came back from dreams last month at my friends wedding, last year we went to puerto vallarta and in 2006 we went to Rivera Maya. So I would like to stay away from those places. He wants a place were we hit the nightclubs and Cancun is his favorite place. I would like to make our wedding someplace we have not been. PLEASE HELP! Any suggestion on wedding packages and resorts.

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Originally Posted by Meyer2010 View Post
I really feel for you because I went through the same thing! It's really hard to enjoy your engagement and wedding planning when a wrench has been thrown into the situation.
She is your only sister! Wow, what do you think her husband has an issue with? Staying in a room by herself? Why wouldn't he come too? Even if they just came for a few days?
We have some guests only staying for 3-4 days. The most important day is our wedding day so as long as our family/guests are there for that we are okay with that.

Sisterly love is very deep. I think she will have a change of heart but it may take some time. It sounds like she is really bitter right now. How long has she known you were having a DW? Have you thought about writing her a letter telling her how much it would mean to have you there. I did the same thing for my little sister b/c she is my MOH too. It made a world of difference!!!

Stay focused on the exciting parts of wedding planning and please keep us posted... we will be your support system for sure!!!

Take Care!!

~ Erica
Thanks for the support Erica! She has known for a year that this would be a DW! We originally had the date for Oct 17th of this year, but switched for my FI's family to make it easier for them to travel. They are all teachers and coaches so leaving in the height of football season wasn't a good idea!:) That's part of the reason I'm so surprised with her sudden change of heart. For the past year, she has stated she would be there not matter what, even if her husband didn't want to go! So, I'm trying to just give her some space. It's been about 3 weeks since I've talked to her. I've thought I will be the "bigger" person and give her a call this week. I need to know for sure if she isn't going.. I'm still holding out that she will change her mindhuh.gif?
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Wow..... sounds like we are all experiencing the same disappointments. I am lucky all our family is booked, but last night (the day before final payment was due) my fiancee's two groom men backed out. I was shocked to say the least because they committed months ago and even paid deposits. They've known for a year about our plans and now all of a sudden... one can't afford it so the other is backing out too because he doesn't want to go alone. I couldn't believe it. I was working hard last night trying to get him a good rate for single occupancy and he says "if I knew ____ wasn't going to come I wouldn't have booked because I don't want to go alone". I was so hurt by that comment, I started to cry and said you'd miss your best friends wedding because you don't want to go alone? I was so upset I had to hang up. The worst is my fiancee is really upset and extremely hurt, but he tells them it's ok. NO IT'S NOT!! He even said to me last night that in the beginning he didn't think anyone would come, then when they all put down their deposits he got all excited... backing out like this is such a blow. He has one friend coming now. I have three bridesmaids and he has a best man. We are all going to be lopsided, lol


But seriously.... how do you get past the selfishness of others? We are really starting to see who our true friends are. I dunno... if it was me I would have been saving for months and without question would be there. cry.gif

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I am so sorry this happened to you. My FI has had a similar scare as 2 of his groomsmen thought they couldn't make it, but now they are reassuring him that they can. I am just crossing my fingers that when it comes down to the final payment date, they won't back down.

I know what you mean about seeing who your true friends are. The same thing has happened to us. It's sad really that you have to find out who really cares during one of the most exciting times of your life, but I guess some people are just too selfish to realize that it means a lot if they are there.

Your wedding will still be perfect, with or without them so try to keep your head up. :) Maybe they will come around.


Originally Posted by svetayasofiya View Post
Wow..... sounds like we are all experiencing the same disappointments. I am lucky all our family is booked, but last night (the day before final payment was due) my fiancee's two groom men backed out. I was shocked to say the least because they committed months ago and even paid deposits. They've known for a year about our plans and now all of a sudden... one can't afford it so the other is backing out too because he doesn't want to go alone. I couldn't believe it. I was working hard last night trying to get him a good rate for single occupancy and he says "if I knew ____ wasn't going to come I wouldn't have booked because I don't want to go alone". I was so hurt by that comment, I started to cry and said you'd miss your best friends wedding because you don't want to go alone? I was so upset I had to hang up. The worst is my fiancee is really upset and extremely hurt, but he tells them it's ok. NO IT'S NOT!! He even said to me last night that in the beginning he didn't think anyone would come, then when they all put down their deposits he got all excited... backing out like this is such a blow. He has one friend coming now. I have three bridesmaids and he has a best man. We are all going to be lopsided, lol


But seriously.... how do you get past the selfishness of others? We are really starting to see who our true friends are. I dunno... if it was me I would have been saving for months and without question would be there. cry.gif

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Originally Posted by svetayasofiya View Post
Wow..... sounds like we are all experiencing the same disappointments. I am lucky all our family is booked, but last night (the day before final payment was due) my fiancee's two groom men backed out. I was shocked to say the least because they committed months ago and even paid deposits. They've known for a year about our plans and now all of a sudden... one can't afford it so the other is backing out too because he doesn't want to go alone. I couldn't believe it. I was working hard last night trying to get him a good rate for single occupancy and he says "if I knew ____ wasn't going to come I wouldn't have booked because I don't want to go alone". I was so hurt by that comment, I started to cry and said you'd miss your best friends wedding because you don't want to go alone? I was so upset I had to hang up. The worst is my fiancee is really upset and extremely hurt, but he tells them it's ok. NO IT'S NOT!! He even said to me last night that in the beginning he didn't think anyone would come, then when they all put down their deposits he got all excited... backing out like this is such a blow. He has one friend coming now. I have three bridesmaids and he has a best man. We are all going to be lopsided, lol

But seriously.... how do you get past the selfishness of others? We are really starting to see who our true friends are. I dunno... if it was me I would have been saving for months and without question would be there. cry.gif
So sorry to hear this. That really just sucks, and to wait to the very last minute to "man up" about it to. If they had said something months ago, maybe there would have been time to find "replacements" ! You really find out who your friends are and who really cares about you! A similar situation happened with one of the girls I was planning on having for a BM. I flew from missouri to montanna to be in her wedding, stood outside in 40 degree weather for her wedding and reception in a strapless dress, braved the wilderness (I'm not an outdoorsy type of girl), took time off of work, and paid for all expenses associated with such myself. (Nothing against Montana, it was beautiful country, but it was COLD, :) didn't want to offend any MT brides out there!) However, when the time came for her to come to Mexico for me, she refused stating it was "too dangerous" IF I had "chosen Jamaica or Puerto Rico" then she would have gone!!!! I couldn't believe it, I guess in the end you realize that maybe you have more heart and loyalty than others... I'm sure you will have a wonderful ceremony regardless and eventually, I'm sure your FI"s friends will regret their decisions...
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