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Hello 2010 Brides!!


I am very excited to have others to talk to who are getting married in 2010! My FI and I are planning for April 2010! We are waiting to hear back about prices from the travel agent on some of the resorts we picked.


Other then that...I have asked two friends to be MOH and my cousin to be a BM. Still thinking about my FI's sisters...but not sure. I love the colour pink so probably going to have that as a colour.


I have been ready thing the threads and looking over the boarding pass invitations and I love them so think I am going to do those. Other then that...I have no idea..lo


Looking forward to talking with you all.

Take Care

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Hey everyone!


Just needed to let you all know....thats our wedding date and time slot booked!! woo hoo


I'm soo happy! I was apprehensive mostly about getting our time slot, because I know moon palace do lots of wedding each day, but I really wanted later in the afternoon so the sun isn't so warm...and we got it!!


yeah, so i can relax for a few weeks til we need to go book the acommo and flights! yeahhhaa finally things are moving...i've been on this site soo long it doesn't feel real! hee hee


We sent our STD's out a few weeks ago, and only had 2 back..the only 2 we sent to that side of the family sad.gif Its so frustrating, because we included stamped addressed envelopes...there's no excuse!! We got personalised stamps, and a few people did say they didn't want to send them back to us! But the incentive was that we would book their holiday for them at the same time as booking ours, and them maybe get them a group discount.


Gave them til the end of March, so I suppose they have time on their hands, but I'm not chasing people! Rant over!lol

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Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! View Post
Hey everyone!

Just needed to let you all know....thats our wedding date and time slot booked!! woo hoo

I'm soo happy! I was apprehensive mostly about getting our time slot, because I know moon palace do lots of wedding each day, but I really wanted later in the afternoon so the sun isn't so warm...and we got it!!

yeah, so i can relax for a few weeks til we need to go book the acommo and flights! yeahhhaa finally things are moving...i've been on this site soo long it doesn't feel real! hee hee

We sent our STD's out a few weeks ago, and only had 2 back..the only 2 we sent to that side of the family sad.gif Its so frustrating, because we included stamped addressed envelopes...there's no excuse!! We got personalised stamps, and a few people did say they didn't want to send them back to us! But the incentive was that we would book their holiday for them at the same time as booking ours, and them maybe get them a group discount.

Gave them til the end of March, so I suppose they have time on their hands, but I'm not chasing people! Rant over!lol
Congratulations on getting your date and time reserved! Are you booking through a travel agent? I am really wanting to have my wedding at Moon Palace, but my guests will not be able to afford more than $400/night. Right now my TA assures me that she can get us $396/night, but it's still so much for me to ask guests to pay.
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Originally Posted by leogurl View Post
Congratulations on getting your date and time reserved! Are you booking through a travel agent? I am really wanting to have my wedding at Moon Palace, but my guests will not be able to afford more than $400/night. Right now my TA assures me that she can get us $396/night, but it's still so much for me to ask guests to pay.
thanks, we can't book our accommo and flights til next month because the ta doesn't open their bookings til then...suppose it gives us time to get the deposits saved! This saving for a wedding is harder than it should be!

We will all be flying from the uk, so everyone is treating it as a big family summer holiday...we won't know for definite how many will come, but the general word is everyone will be there. It is alot of money, and we accepted from the beginning we might get married with the closest family only, which is fine with us tbh.

Where else are you looking at lady?
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Leogurl - I am right there with you about the Moon Palace. That is a lot to ask people to pay. I really want to get married there the wedding packages are great they just emailed me all the information if you want me to email you them? In reading reviews it seems there are not that many negatives at all about the resort. Except the beach. What other resorts are you considering?

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I'm also looking at the Gran Bahia resorts. We'll have, at the most, maybe 25 people. We'll be doing a huge at-home-reception, so I'm not wanting to do a big reception in Mexico, just a dinner. It seems like at most resorts the wedding packages require a reception just to have dinner together. That's one reason I like Moon Palace, because we can just have the dinner and the free cocktail party, if we get at least 10 rooms booked.

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