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Malaria risk in the DR???

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Don't worry about the Malaria pills it's just a precaution just like getting a tetanus shot cause you just never know and why not be safe rather than sorry. The pills did not make me or my FI sick at all barely noticed we were taking meds since they are only once a week. Also Malaria has been an issue in the DR for years it's nonthing new and thousands of people still vacation there every year.

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Wow thats scary. We were in Punta Cana 2 years ago and we didn't take any medications for malaria. We didn't get any skeeter bites while there either. However we did get tons when we were in Mexico last year. Malaria is something we never even thought about but now that you've mentioned it how dumb of us not to think about it before. Thanks for the info!

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Well, just to update from my original post... we decided NOT to have our wedding in the DR for these reasons. The deciding factors are that we will have a 2 month old with us (there are age restrictions on chloroquine), and other friends who will be pregnant (and not able to take certain meds either). We do however want to go on our own at some point.... it looks super fun and beautiful :)
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