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Rehearsal/Welcome Dinner Questions


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Who are you all inviting to your Rehearsal Dinner? I read somewhere that for Destination Weddings you're "supposed" to invite everyone. I would love to have everyone there but I don't know how to have a whole other dinner/drinks without adding like 5K to the budget... which we can't really afford.


I know a lot of people have had Welcome Dinners and Good-bye brunches and I'm wondering how you managed to do this without going way over on budget. While I love the Hilton it is definitely one of the best reasons to have your wedding at an AI!


Any thought? Does anyone know of a restaurant with prices low enoough to do this without spending like $100/head (including the 25% tax/gratuity that's on everything). I'm really worried about this! All these people who I adore are coming from around the country and in a few cases the world to be with us and I would love to be able to do more with them...


This is how I'm starting to feel when I think about this shots.gif (hee hee hee)

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Kash, I totally had your same struggle. Even if it meant serving cheese and crackers, I wanted to host something on Friday night for everyone. It didn't seem fair to have guests come all that way, and only invite some of them to the RD and leave the rest to fend for themselves. That was just how I felt.


I think there are a few choices:

1. Host an hors d'oeuvres and cocktails RD, or a bonfire at the Hilton beach with s'mores, or some other kind of event with lite fare that serves as your RD.

2. Host a Welcome Party two nights before the wedding for everyone (with light food/drinks like above) and a smaller "normal" RD with just wedding party the night before.


I think guests appreciate having something to do and some food/drink even if it isn't a full meal. It will just give them another chance to hang out and get to know each other before the wedding too.

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Hi Kash,

I totally understand your dilemma. I also feel it's important to have some sort of welcome/RD event. I am having more of a welcome dinner 2 nights before our wedding. It's costing us approx $2K for up to 40 guests. We're doing it at Baja Cantina. I could have done just drinks & chips/salsa/guacamole for much cheaper. You can definitely do something to meet your needs. It definitely doesn't have to be an all out meal.


You could even say "hey everybody, lets get together for drinks at XYZ place" - that way you can all get together, but you won't necessarily be hosting it financially. Or even have a pool gathering mid-day where everybody meets. Again, you don't have to buy them food & alcohol to get them together.

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I think the smores bonfire might a fun idea! Maybe we can do a like a post dinner bonfire with drinks and dessert...


Do you have any recommendations of places other than the Hilton? Their prices are pretty high PLUS since we're doing the ceremony and recption there is woul dbe a nice change of pace to pick someplace else. But then again that brings up the whole issue of transportation!


Christa, You are totally right about having everyone meet and not necessarily footing the bill as well! I wonder if the Hilton will allow outsider guest to at the pool/beach area... I'll have to ask MariaElena to see if she knows!

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You could combine a few of these ideas...you could all meet at one of the beach restaurants (Tabasco's, Baja Cantina, The Office, Mango Deck, etc) and have a smores roast & drinks. You'd be surprised what you can put together if you just ask. And you have plenty of time...


Oh, and to answer your original question, everyone who comes to the wedding is invited to the Welcome Dinner.

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hey kash,


christa beat me to it, but the taco bar at baja cantina sounds like an awesome idea and won't break the bank.


i have to admit, these reasons were why we went AI...


i think it is good etiquette to have everyone invited to the welcome dinner...i did welcome dinner in lieu of rehersal dinner because everyone we wanted at the RD was already in mexico.

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Do you guys have a good contact for the places Christa mentioned? I like the taco bar at Baja Cantina idea too...


I still think i want to do a separate rehearsal dinner for our families because my parents and my FI parents have only ever met once and that was 5 years ago when we graduated from college! It would be nice to have a special dinner with them (I'm thinking Casa Natalia for this)... but that could always be Sunday too...


I think if I could do the Welcome Dinner/Drinks for less than $3000 I think we can swing it... and you guys are right I dn't have to freak out just yet... I mean the wedding isn't for 9 months!

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Hi Kashmira- We are doing a rehearsal dinner on Friday night for all of our guests. But we are also able to do a Sunset Cruise on Thursday for everyone that is already there. We are doing it for 60 people - open bar, appetizers and the boat all to ourselves for right at $3000. We're using the Sunrider. Just another option, anyway...

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Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
Do you guys have a good contact for the places Christa mentioned? I like the taco bar at Baja Cantina idea too...
Hey Kash,

Here's some contact info for Baja Cantina Beach:

Baja Cantina Beach
El Medano Beach, Cabo San Lucas
Baja California Sur, Mexico
Cabo Villas Beach Resort
Tel (624) 143-9773

Tammy posted the group menu & bar options for me a while ago, see if you can find it. I am doing the taco bar option & I think it's a nice balance in terms of price & what we're getting - way more than just apps.
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