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Long engagements suck...


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I agree that long engagements suck but for a different reason. We got engaged last april and are getting married this december. We had about 90 people on board but now with everything that is going on with the economy that number is starting to drop. Not only that but one of my bmaids just found out she is pregnant and due right before the wedding so im 99% sure she won't be there. Ugh. SHould have just not worried about giving people time to save so more people could come cause in the end i think its biting us in the a**!

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I am not having a long engagement (it happened for me on Dec. 22/08 ). I am getting married on Nov. 16/09. But I did have to wait a while for the ring (20+ yrs.) and have dreamed about my wedding day forever. All I can say is count the blessings you have and don't stress about the rest. It will all come in good time. Like everyone is saying enjoy this time now, it will pass to quickly. Also try to squeeze in some extra girlfriend time because the place is all yours now. Before you know it he will be having superbowl and playoff parties! Men can be such pigs! LOL Can't live with, can't live without (but who would want to anyway, life would be boring without them!)

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I got engaged on Thanksgiving and my wedding is next june (2010) and I hate waiting. I've never been good at waiting for anything. I want to live with him already and start our lives together. I've never lived on my own and everywhere I go, I get ideas for our home or ideas for what I'd cook for dinner. I put my foot down, though, and said I wont move in til the wedding (I just always thought of the wedding as the day you start your lives together). So, yeah, I know how you feel! And I also hate when FI has to go home at night!

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I think we went quiet the opposite way! We got engaged in December...and married in March. We actually haven't told most of our family/friends and are still planning our huge "symbolic" bash in Mexico.

It was actually really special because it was just the 2 of us and it was such an intimate moment that honestly looking back I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. He's the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and I'm glad I made that vow only in front of him (and our commissioner, of course). We now get to enjoy the wedding with so much less stress but we still get the whole wedding experience. It's fun now too because it's like having our own little secret. Being engaged is so much fun though! Don't wish it away!!!

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I too have had a really long engagement. When we get married it will be 3 years and we dated 6 yrs before that for a total of 9. Im happy though were WAY past the new relationship stage and still very happy and this way it gives you a bit of time to get your life organized (buy a house) etc. :)

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We first got engaged August 2008 and won't be getting married until August 2010. We have 15 months to go! and although we still have a long way I'm glad because I don't feel rushed. We are both going to be in Nursing school next semester so things will be a little crazy... For us a long engagement has been great so far!

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I can understand how you feel, FH and I have been together over 8 years and will have been engaged for a year and a half before we get married (although we already have a house and dog together) and I find that I get antsy sometimes. I try to look at it positively, you can only call him your fiance for a short period of time (which can be fun) but you'll call him your husband for the rest of your life!


Kris, I just noticed we're date twins!

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