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Peace Corps, Anyone?


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whats the deal with it anyways? anyone done it?


my hubby has it in his head that he would like to do something along the lines of peace corps but i have no clue what that involves.


any thoughts?



ps i'm checking out this link as i wait for your replies, i just wanted to know if anyone had any personal experiences with it....

Peace Corps

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We have actually looked into it, and my in-laws are planning on doing it in a couple years when they retire. We think its very interesting, but we've been all over the world, lived in belize and also lived in africa. we've been trying to figure out if you get any vacation time, or if family can come visit. you have to be really committed and open to anything. you don't get to decide where you go when you start. they will decide where you go. We're mostly interested in africa. if you are a doctor or schooling in nursing you will probably go to an area where AIDS is a large issue. the peace corp is doing a lot to fight AIDS. you are paid the average amount that the locals in the area you go to are paid. we're also trying to find out if we can use money from our own savings.


hope that helps a little.

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ah. i dont think hubby realizes this. i think he is thinking its like a couple week/month activity to throw himself into. i dont think we could afford to do that for our actual jobs! not to mention we've got kids who couldnt come with us (their mom migh have an issue with that haha).


anyone else??

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I know Kash (one of our old school members) and her hubby joined. Jacylinda basically summed it up. I *think* it's a 2 year commitment and you would have to leave the kids & jobs behind for that long. You need a college degree unless you are super skilled in some trade that they need...I think they forgive some of your student loans too. It's really amazing if you are up for it.


If you just want to do a month or two somewhere google worldwide volunteer opportunities, there is so much to do. With most of them you have to pay for transportation/room/board but you are still doing a lot of good and in these cases you can pick where you go.

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I was going to say what Jamy did. I was going to join right out of high school but couldn't because of the degree thing.


It is a 2 year commitment and you do have to leave family behind. I think you get a 2 week vacation each year. Most of the jobs entail teaching (English, technology, business) or manual labor - building schools, laying waterlines, farming, etc. They do usually require a college degree.


You can request an assignment, but do not get to pass. You may be placed alone in a community, so there isn't a big group around you. You make the wage of the country where you work. When yo get out you get $5K (maybe more now) to get re-integrated into American life, travel, move, etc.


I'm thinking there is an international habitat for humanity program but you would be responsible for getting to the country. They feed and house you once you are there.


Here are some good sites:


Globe Aware - Adventures in Service

Volunteer Work: Volunteer Abroad Programs - International Volunteering Opportunities at GoAbroad.com


You can also check with the Red Cross and a local church.

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Ya, erin and jamy covered it. it is a 2 yr commitment, if you and your spouse are joining together you will get placed together. they don't reduce your studen loans, but they defer them while you are gone.


There are many volunteer opportunities, although for a short trip that you are talking about you would have to cover travel, etc.


Is he wanting the volunteer experience, or traveling?

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If you Pm me I can tell you some more. I wanted to do a volunteer thing so bad a few years back! I'm a member of quite a few organizations. They email to do it all the time but I just can't afford it (back then). And then I got married. I actually would of done UN volunteering. They actually pay you to "reinstate" yourself back into society. Yes, its long term but they also do couples volunteering. I'm also looking into Doctors without borders for DH. But some of the other pay your own way ones are much shorter and they aren't terribly expensive.

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