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Hey I have a question for anyone who uses Kodak Gallery. If I do the subscription that allows for hi-resolution uploading, what the heck does that mean? Is it beneficial? If there are already pictures in my galleries will the hi-res help make them look better? Or, did they have to be taken with a hi-res camera or something and not just my regular old digital? I'm clueless, but know that some of you have mentioned using it before. THANKS!

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Well, since no one else has responded I'll tell you what little I know. First off, how new is your digital camera? The newer it is the higher res of photos it can take BUT old digital cameras, if they are set at the highest end will take great pictures too. So basically the higher resolution a file is the larger you can get it printed and have it look nice. It depends on how big the pictures are that you want to print that should determine if you sign up for the high res kodak gallery thing. For instance, I bought a digital SLR camera years ago that was like 6.4 megapixels (back in the day when that was A LOT). If it's set on the highest resolution setting it can take pictures that could be blown up so big it could go on a wall canvas. If you have your camera setting say, on a 2-3 megapixel picture the biggest you might be able to go could be like an 8.5 x 11. I'm not entirely sure of the numbers but I just used them to illustrate my point. I'm sorry I can't be of more help :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

bump.gifI have another Kodak Gallery question. I have created my own account and group album. I am going to provide my guests with the link and password that I placed on the page. My question is, for them to upload pics to the album, do they have to create their own account with log in and password?

I'm working on my photoshare card now.


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well I'm guessing that it can't make your pics any better than what you upload. I think it means that you can upload the higher resolution pics (they're bigger). I'm also guessing that if you don't take really large format pics then it wouldn't be worth it. I'm just guessing though. lol


I have a question though, how do you create an album that other can upload their pics into?? I don't see that feature anywhere.

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We just made a new kodak account and gave our guests the user name and password for it. That way they can see everyone's pictures and order copies of any they like. Eventually I will change the password once I have everyone's pics so that they can't edit them or delete anything. I'm still waiting for a couple of people who I think have some really good pics!


I'm guessing that paying for the hi-resolution option is only good if I want to upload my photogs pics there for reprinting, which I don't. But I don't think it has made any difference for the pictures that my guests have uploaded.

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