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honestly I have to agree that some of the people might be offended because of their own personal feelings about dementia or alzheimers. Personally I don't like it, I know I am not of the majority here, but I am trying to be honest, its just too much for me.

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Sorry, personally I don't like it. But, if you think it suits your style and is appropriate for your wedding invite, then go for it. You do have a lot of time to think about it though, now that you pushed the wedding out a little bit.

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I like the idea of using something FI wrote in the invite. I think this quote would work but you might need to do a footnote saying it was taken from a poem he wrote you. That makes it sweet no matter what. I only say that because the first time I read that it made really sad. I don't think it's offensive or anything, but it made me immediatly think of the day when one of the two of us will not be around. Not sure if that's what you want for a wedding invite.

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Sarah, I like your suggestion about doing a separate invite for the uptight part of my family (yes, you were thinking correct about my aunt's nasty letter). I'm curious, how did you guys implement the differing invites? I had thought about doing that too because I know my dad's siblings won't attend because of age/health. I didn't want to offend them by not inviting them, but I didn't want to seem insensitive by sending invites to people who have health issues and we know can't attend. And I'm glad you mentioned your grandparents, because even tho those health situations don't apply (yet) in my family, it could apply to the extended family of those people we're inviting.



I *love* the JD Salinger quote you posted! I think it's just very real-life.



Good idea about adding it was from a poem Frank wrote to me. Your point about being sad when reading it is true too. I think that's one of the reasons why I like it so much--- it has a lot of angles. It implies the sweetness of being there and taking care of each other through our aging years, but with a touch of bitterness because with age comes the real life health situations. It's refers to the best in life (love), while hinting at the morbid (old age/death).

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