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Gift Ideas for FI's Kids

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So my FI and I have been together for 5 years. When we started dating his kids were 5 and 2. When we get married they will be almost 11 and 8. We are incorporating them into the ceremony. I am saying vows with them because in a sense I am marrying them too. I am getting a wedding band from my FI and one from them. But what do I give themhuh.gif We have been going round and round trying to come up with ideas. My best one has been an ID bracelet for each of them with a special message from me inscribed on the back.


I knew I could come here for some other ideas and you ladies could probably come up with some good ones. If you have one, send it my way!

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Are they boys or girls, or boy and girl? I was watching Whose Wedding Is It Anyway the other day and saw a couple give their daughter a necklace with a heart locket. Inside the heart locket they put a picture of the couple. But I like the idea of the ID bracelet better!

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Both kids are boys otherwise the locket and charm bracelet idea would be great! I thought about rings, but they are boys and those would be gone probably before we left cabo! I also have their mother to deal with. She likes to "make" them take off anything special that we get them and then they never seem to put it back on. I thought that with an ID bracelet, there is really not much need to take it off...they can swim, shower, surf and play baseball with it on - no real reason to take it off.

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Will she not make them take off the id bracelet? Tell them when they get to 18 you'll get them a tattoo now that she can't make them take off lmao


How about asking them if there is anything they would like that way its their choice and there is no way a kid is going to let its mother make them give up something they chose and want lol

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