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Calling all November 2009 Brides!

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Originally Posted by NaM View Post
My FI had a great idea last night that I'm thrilled about and wanted to share!! We were looking at sand ceremony kits online and started talking about all the places we've been together and realized that a lot of our life has revolved around beaches; we met in Hawaii, are from North Carolina, live in Vancouver and are getting married in Mexico. He suggested that we get sand from each of these places and combine all that sand for our sand ceremony instead of doing colors so it's really all the pieces of our life coming together as one.
I thought it was the sweetest thing to have it be that personal and love the idea. And this way we don't have to buy anything except a holder (which btw does anyone know where to get a sand frame?? I've seen some people on here use it and I like the idea better than a vase)!!
Woohoo another thing off the list!

This is a great idea!!!! It's make the ceremony more special and personal.

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Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous View Post
Thats a great idea Natalie. Are you gonna just order sand from all those places or do you have friends/family in the diff areas that could bring to sand to you.

OK so I started researching honeymoon options for Jan. We have an extra vacay week with our timeshare so we're gonna just do a villa/condo in Orlando so we can go to Disney and Universal Studios. I'm so excited. We are big amusement park fans so this'll be perfect. The cruise for the wedding then the amusement park fun for the honeymoon. The only prob is that we really wanted an all inclusive place for the honeymoon, but with the $$$ we're saving by using our timeshare we can go out and eat in. It should be cool.

My parents live in Hawaii so they will get the sand from there and 2 of my bridesmaids live at the beach in NC so that is covered too. We will obviously bring our own fron Vancouver and then just grab some in Mexico. We got pretty lucky to have it work out so well!!
Your honeymoon sounds great!! Disney is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!
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Do any of you start to experience mild freak outs when you realize how fast the time is going by and how soon our weddings will be upon us?

My FI still hasn't gone to look at clothing options for the wedding and I think to myself, no big deal, we have lots of time. Then I realize it's about 4 1/2 months away and the butterflies start!

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LOL EDR I don't freak out yet but I'm sure it's coming. I've kinda handed off alotta stuff to my parents and bms lately and it's helped. I'm currently at the point where I just want this over already. I am giving up on DIY projects and trying to find pros to do them, but realistically I need to do them myself (speaking from the financial side).

We purchased the men's attire this week which was great. And all my girls have either ordered their dresses and have them or have picked them out and just have to order them.

I am still up in the air ab centerpieces. I don't have a large amt budgeted for them and since we are doing a luncheon reception I want something small with no flowers.

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Originally Posted by Erika J View Post
I bought my wedding band this weekend, it will be ready on Thursday!!!
I wanted to try to tackle some of the smaller stuff this weekend but I ended up celebrating too much and not so much wedding. Oh well, I have 4 months!!
Erika, we must have been on the same wavelength. I bought my FI's ring this weekend and we picked out my setting. I'm not having a band but I am selecting a new setting for my stone. I've had my eye out on a ring made by Tacori and I have finally decided to move forward with the purchase. The jeweler is suppose to phone me on Tuesday for prices. I can't wait!!!
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