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Moon Dance Cliffs

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That was really nice of him to send you that reassurance! In the year and a half since we decided on the Moon Dance resort(s) to facilitate our wedding they have been incredibly accomodating. And I can telll you that they are just as friendly and helpful in person. When we went for a site visit last year, the people at Moon Dance (Cliffs and Villas) were the nicest of everyone at all of the resorts we visited. They went the extra mile to make sure we would be able to get everything we wanted - including a crazy request from my FI. Like I said before, one bad review shouldn't get anyone too worried... I, for one, can't wait to get back there!

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Thanks for these postings, and thanks for posting the email Mallory. I like the idea of there being a designated event director. That will definitely help keep things going smoothly.


I really hope the brides from last weekend and this weekend post about their experiences (and say that all went great! :) It definitely helps to get advice from those who just got married at your resort.


You guys can count on me to fill you in after my wedding!


I just got some of my OOT bag stuff in the mail and that got me really excited. If you guys haven't used the etsy website yet, check it out, there is some really great personalized stuff you can order for your wedding. I just ordered my caketopper on there and I can't wait to see it.


Hope planning is going well.

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Originally Posted by lbcs View Post
Still nothing from Kerry and Linus....

Mallory57, thanks for posting the DJ info. We booked him yesterday! Great deal and I think it will be totally worth it so that we don't have to worry about downloading songs at the last minute!
lbcs, I can't wait to hear how your wedding goes, and what you think of the DJ as well :) I'm thinking of booking them for the reception, and would love to know how they do at your wedding. I haven't been able to find any reviews of them yet, but at the same time I haven't found any better deals out there either.
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Of course Meitra, I will do my best to post a "review" after my wedding like some of the previous brides have, of all of the vendors, resort, etc. That way those of you who haven't decided on vendors yet will have some input.

Happy planning!

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Thought you guys getting married at MDC would like to hear that I received the most organized "overview" of our wedding weekend from Kerry. It even included things that we have planned the days prior that don't involve wedding events. I am so impressed - it really leaves no questions unanswered! Now I can relax a little. Yay!!

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They may or may not give you some wiggle room. Depending on the time of year, it may be a little less expensive. Depending on how many people book at MDC in your wedding party, you can have that many people who come from other hotels to the wedding at MDC (and not be charged for entering the resort). If ten people have booked w/ your wedding party, you can have ten offsite guest.

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