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I saw the tripadvisor post also. Granted that guy was whining (he also whined all over the threads in the forum also) but that's no way to do business!


I've already changed my wedding plans once---I was originally going to have a huge wedding at an Aquarium in Virginia. I wanted something less stressful and more intimate. HA! Less stressful my a**!

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I saw the tripadvisor post also. Granted that guy was whining (he also whined all over the threads in the forum also) but that's no way to do business!


I've already changed my wedding plans once---I was originally going to have a huge wedding at an Aquarium in Virginia. I wanted something less stressful and more intimate. HA! Less stressful my a**!

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Agreed, the guy was totally whining and they had obviously duked it out before, but I guess I would just expect the owner to be more professional in his reply...


And no kidding on the less stressful thing! I wanted a destination wedding to avoid all the hassles and to be able to focus on getting married - what happened to that?! wink.gif


Glad that we've got the right attitudes though! And I must say I think this website provides us with such a great tool to fight against ridiculous pricing, inaccurate advertising, etc.! Yay for this forum! :)

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Agreed, the guy was totally whining and they had obviously duked it out before, but I guess I would just expect the owner to be more professional in his reply...


And no kidding on the less stressful thing! I wanted a destination wedding to avoid all the hassles and to be able to focus on getting married - what happened to that?! wink.gif


Glad that we've got the right attitudes though! And I must say I think this website provides us with such a great tool to fight against ridiculous pricing, inaccurate advertising, etc.! Yay for this forum! :)

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This website has been a huge help. I would have gone in blindly and just paid whatever they said to pay. I'm not one to argue or disagree with someone or one to try and bargain. But now I'm so happy I had this website to figure out the cake and flowers because I'll argue back because I know what the real prices are.


I just had to add two more rooms--just in case, so that I could get the grand opening rate.

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Ok, now I'm wondering about putting down a deposit! I'm not sure if any of you were told but I think they are having a wedding either this weekend coming or next weekend, I thought someone told me they had a wedding planned for this month. However we need to try to get info from that Bride if so, but how? I really hate inconsistency so if it says one thing in writing that is what I am going to go for because somebody can easily say they didn't say something. I would suggest to all of you already planning if it is on the website or you have in writing that is what they should honor and I would call that to their attention, that's how it goes in business. I was also told I believe by Kim there was going to be a free shuttle to the beach now if your whole group wants to go to the beach what are they going to do call 10 cabs, if that's the case you may as well set up your own transportation for the whole weekend. My girlfriend got married at the Ritz Carlton back in 2005 and she has put me in contact with a guy there she said helped her out a lot with several things for a small fee. I know he does transportation for sure. If necessary I will be using him for all my transportation needs. I can ask him if he is willing to do anymore business if any of you all are interested in contacting him.

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By the way I'm about to call Kim or Miriam who ever answers and let them know how I feel before I give them my money. I am even going to mention this website like another thread that I have been on did and had their WC come on and help with the confusion the brides were dealing with (different pricing, meal and location confusion). I'll let you guys know what was said.

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More Encouragement Ladies! I just got off the phone with Miriam and told her that I am really interested in using their resort but I don't want to have to deal with any discrepancies with pricing and what they state they are offering. I told her about this website and some of the complaints I seen on here. She said the shuttle is $8 roundtrip and they just call the shuttles when they need them to make the arrangements. I asked her was the pricing and information on the website up to date because it seems as though people are receiving other prices, she said she would have to check because it does state the prices are subject to change. She said that she would be contacting Linus and the owner and get back to me on what I mentioned. I told her I was not comfortable with making my deposit at this time with the confusion that I am seeing. Lastly she said that there was a wedding at the beginning of this month that was a big success and that the bride wrote them a nice email before checking out and promised them she would be going on trip advisor. She also mentioned what I said about how they are more laid back with things but they will do a good job. So I am going to wait for her to get back to me and I hope this helps some. I have not been on trip advisor lately but I will be looking for that review, remember keep the stress levels down!

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Hey big3n09, thanks for the information! I think it's great that they know a website like this exists out there and hopefully they'll get their ducks in a row - I am definitely sure that by May 2010 they will have done so! :)


Man, I hope that Randy doesn't think I'm responsible for all of this! I'd hate to get an email from him similar to the one he posted on tripadvisor wink.gif Hehe!

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