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Timing couldn't be worse... or better??


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So I had a little shock yesterday: often, my FI will text me to see if I'm free to meet up for lunch during the day (our jobs are at 20 minutes walk from each other so we meet half-way). I was free to meet him yesterday, and the first surprise came when he texted me that he was at the door of my building. The second surprise came when he announced he had just been laid off (along with 19 other people) from the company where he's spent the last 9 years of his life. I have to admit that there were warning signs: the company asked him to return his Blackberry December 10th. I had thought at the time that it was weird but he said "they're cutting back on a bunch of costs" so he didn't worry about it much. Then they had all the employees document how they spent every half hour during the day, for a two week time. And now this... But we're both kinda happy!


To tell you the truth, he hated his job. He was thinking of quitting (which does not provide you the great severance package he got!) and going back to school anyways, but never really looked into programs or followed up on that. In addition, I applied for my dream job in Ottawa in December, and I almost didn't because I didn't want him to have to start over again and look for a job if we did end up moving.


Now we are both seeing this as a "sign" that big changes may be in the works. I will be interviewing for the job in early February, and already know that my chances of landing it are very good. All my family lives there, as do many of his closest friends, plus we want to raise our future kids in a completely bilingual environment, so have been talking about moving to Ottawa on and off since the start of our relationship. So I guess, all in all, great timing! But still a bit of a shock (see, mixed feelings, sigh...).


He's so cute: we're in the midst of home-renos and now he's all keen to become Mr. Fix-It AND make sure dinner is waiting for me when I get home :-)

I just have to get used to the idea that for the time being (and maybe a few years if he does indeed go back to school), we will be a single salary couple. At this point, the most important thing is that we have each other and we'll get through no matter what! Also, we have an amazing wedding to look forward to, and now that he has free time during the day, he's already started helping out with planning :-)


Thanks for letting me vent, no one knows yet (friends or family)...

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wow sounds like it would be fantastic for you to get that job, everything happens for a reason and it sounds like there is a great reason he got let go so easily, and with severance as well!

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