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AHH! I really need to vent...(long)


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Feel free to vent, we all do it at some point...


It's sad enought to find out that the videographer you wanted was booked, and to add insult to injury, you find out about your FI's parents arguing about thathuh.gif


I have to say, just like anyone here, it's not THEIR wedding, it's yours, that day it's all about you, she wants her son to go along?, pay up momma, money just don't go knocking on doors.

I imagine that the list you have it's for closest relatives, friends and people you love; I might sound like a jerk, but, you don't NEED to love his stepmom's kid.

Anyways, I'm sure it'll workout for good, and about the videographer, I have a friend that filmed a wedding I attended to in October, and he was great. He has a full HD camera, doesn't get in the way of the wedding, and he has fun filming it.


I can't recall the price, but if you're interested, PM and I'll ask him if he's available and send you His contact info.



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Thank you ladies!! I have to say, you did help. I haven't heard from the wedding coordinator today so far, but that's okay. I kinda expected that. I expet to hear from her later today on other stuff. I emailed her and told her we were okay with going the associate route, but want to pay less, so we will see what happens. Mango...if that doesn't pan out, I will pm you for that name if you have it.


As for the wife of FI's dad (she will never be anything other than that to me), screw her. The story there is so long and I won't get into it, but NO one in the family can stand her. I just hate that his dad said to tell me that I created "problems." I don't think that was necessary. Drop it and leave it at that. I wrote his dad an email and apologized to him. I didn't need to, but I don't want anyone mad at me for something I didn't intentionally do.


Wedding planning is such a JOY! shots.gif

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I would def ask for a cheaper price for the videographer, def doesnt hurt to at least ask.


And your fi's mom is being ridiculous. Your not obligated to pay for anyone and your paying for who you can which is really sweet of you guys. She should be greatful that your paying for her. If her son cant afford to go than maybe she could help him since she's getting a free ride. Some people are never happy and she sounds like one of them.

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I agree with everyone on the videographer.


As for your future father-in-law, you should tell him that if the fact you have chosen to pay for him and his wife, (that is an assumption), is causing problems then perhaps it would be better if everyone paid their own way!! In a sort of joking manner, haha! That's just me being me though. Actually I would have my FI tell him that and I would just laugh in the background. hehe.


BTW, I love your hair!!!

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Originally Posted by zethers View Post
As for your future father-in-law, you should tell him that if the fact you have chosen to pay for him and his wife, (that is an assumption), is causing problems then perhaps it would be better if everyone paid their own way!! In a sort of joking manner, haha! That's just me being me though. Actually I would have my FI tell him that and I would just laugh in the background. hehe.
I think i would do the same thing. Of course my mil would have never of complained about me not paying for her son because she would of been greatful that we were paying for their trip. Actually she probably wouldnt accept us paying for her trip and would want to pay her own way.

She should be thanking you not complaining about you. She has nerve!
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Originally Posted by AlmostaSeif View Post

My FI's dad called last night and told him (I over heard their conversation while they were on the phone) that I caused problems between him and his wife. We are paying for specific people and because I didn't include her son on the "to be paid" budget I apparently caused a huge fight. AHHHH! I can't make anyone happy. censored.gif
YOU are not responsible for a problem between FI's dad & wife. If they fight over YOUR budget, that's their problem. YOUR budget determines YOUR decisions. How they deal with it is up to them, but you can't invite someone just so some other married couple won't fight. Good grief.
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