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33 days to wedding & Aunt FLO is visting.. Are You Kidding me??

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Originally Posted by mfry View Post
i am doing something called lunaception. You sleep in complete darkness your whole cycle except for days 11,12,13 on those days you turn on a nite light. I have done that for awhile and it works with making your cycle 28 days, well I was looking at the calendar and I get af the week of my wedding not cool. So, I decided to change my cycle a little, I am trying to match my cycle to the moon's, there is a full moon that started yesterday and lasts three days. So, last nite I turned on the nite lite and will leave it on for two more days, I am hoping by may (that is when my weddingmoon is) it will be adjusted by then. I was also going to say this lunacaeption helps with getting pregnant or not, if you don't want to get pregant don't have sex the days with the nite lite on. If you do wanna get pregant have sex the days the light is on.


Wow Michelle, that sounds really interesting! I've never heard of that before! I think I'm going to look into it more - just out of pure curiousity!!!
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Originally Posted by prairiegirl View Post
Nice thread I know.. (lmao) but I need info... I dont' know if it the stress?? or what.. but Aunt Flo isn't suppose to be visiting until after the honeymoon... ahhh..

anyone know anything I can do to ... change and ensure I do not have my aunt staying with my during my wedding week...

lol, I have never heard of Aunt Flo before. Learn something new every day or have I just been hiding under a rock?
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LOL, I wish I had known about this. I have PCOS, which has a symptom of pretty much no periods. So between the time I was 16 and 29 (the age I was when I got married) I had had a total of about 5 periods. It had been a two year gap since I had had my last one... and what happens the day I arrived in the Dominican to get married... here she comes!


I was so pissed! And do you know it lasted the whole time I was gone (four weeks) and stopped two days after I got back. When we went for our one year anniversary this past April... same thing. Something about going overseas. I am so going to try that this year for our trip. Thanks for sharing ;0}

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Wow - you guys are amazing. I knew about aunt Flo but not the lunaception--I want to read up on that too!! BC pills are not working for me anymore--I gain weight and started getting clotting in my legs. GRRRRRR.


All of a sudden my cycle decides to change too guess what?? The beginning of the month..YEP--exactly when my wedding is scheduled for. Ugggghh!!!

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Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
I do this all the time with my pills! I checked with both my doc and pharmasist first to make sure that I was ok to. Basically, when you finish one pack (not including the placebo pills if your packs have em), you just start a new pack asap. I do this all the time now, I'll take 3 packs in a row, give my body a break, and then take another 3 packs, and repeat. I like this so much better than having my period once a month lol, but I guess I'm a bit of a control freak. Initially I started doing this because I did not want my period to come during my high school grad haha.
This is essentially what BCPs like Seasonique and Seasonale do, you take active pills continually and every 3 months there is a "break" to allow mother nature to take its course. It is completely safe for most women but you should still check with your OB before doing it on your own. :) Good Luck
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That's one of the benefits of being on the pill... You can manipulate them a little to have or not have a period at a certain time! It can be dangerous and have some pretty negative effects on your body so it's not suggested to do on a regular basis. The best thing is to talk to your doc or OB...

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Yikes, yet another wedding plan to make...keeping af away! LOL. I use the nuva ring now and love it. I know that you can also just use a new one instead of taking a week off so af stays away. I personally like the ring better than the pill...put it in leave it for 3 weeks, off one week then a new one. So much easier than a pill everyday

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