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What to do about your guest list?

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So I have this problem where I want as few people away in Jamaica with me as possible, like immediate family.

But then I say well I absolutley cannot get married without my cousins as my bridesmaids; the three of us have always been best friends our whole lives. So should I invite their families? My other uncle is coming to take pictures. If I invite them, then there are only 2 out of the 6 aunt/uncle families not invited.


Is this fair? I dont know that I really want the other 2 families there? I am on a very limited budget.

Do you think they would understand if my cousins were my bridesmaids and they wanted their families to come? Or do you think that they would be like screw you, Im family too!?


We are running into the same situation on my fiance's side of the family too.


If we invite our "A" list only that is 50 people. If we invite all of the family, that is 120 people. That is almost a $1500 difference. Like I said, we are on a tight budget.


Please help me! Im stuck in a pickle!



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This is tough! I had a similar problem with my family. I don't see my dad's side of the family so I only had to worry about my mom's to begin with...and it's not huge. She has two sisters and a brother, who each have children (who have children). I am very close with one aunt and one cousin (who's daughter will be my flower girl). I was also a bridesmaid in this cousin's wedding a few years ago. The problem I had was, can I invite the one aunt/cousin family and not anyone else? I finally decided to just invite everyone. All together it was about 22 extra people, and since we are not doing a reception, it wouldn't cost me any more. I know the economy is bad and I'm not as close with them so I doubt any of them will come anyway. Out of all of them, I honestly would love for them to be there, EXCEPT for my mom's brother and his wife, who I HATE. SO I guess I am taking my chances...

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Well, it would be in bad taste to invite some i.e. a specific aunt but not another for whatever reason. My mother had me send out obligatory invitations to some family members that we knew were not coming, but sent them as a courtesy.

I say send the invites and then your part is done. Just make sure not to do any follow up :.)

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Hey girl! I think if everyone knows why you are inviting only these families rather than everyone, it would be okay to just invite who you want. You're not inviting the other because you don't want them to be there, its because they aren't in the wedding.


Side note- I noticed that we're getting married around the same time, are the same age, and we both live in iowa! Maybe we can help eachother out! :)


Oh, and, good luck!!

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