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Now...what do I get FMIL??

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Here's the deal...


I posted the BM necklaces I was considering - starfish. Based on all your advice I've decided to go with the Tiffany starfish.


I want to get my mom and FMIL gifts too. There is a starfish brooch that matches the necklace. I know my mom would love it. FMIL would like it too - sort of. She wears really artsy/brightly colored jewlery and then silver. There is this awesome ring (Tiffany too) that I know she would love but it's not starfish at all. I think she will feel left out if I get the other 3 starfish stuff (FI agrees) and don't get it for her. But I think she would like/wear the ring more.


I guess I could always get my mom something totally non-starfish too then they would both be happy/not left out.



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I don't know if this helps, but rather than getting gifts for our moms alone we did gifts for our parents. I got my mom and stepdad a GC to a swanky resort, and we're giving my dad & stepmom a nice BBQ.


Otherwise, I would say go with the gift that you think your mom will like the most regardless of whether it matches with the other girls.

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