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Jamaica with no passports???? (I'm Canadian)

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Hey everyone,


FH & I are very, very slack and are only sending our passport applications (Canadian) now, and our TA warns us that it usually takes 6 weeks to come back. OUr wedding is March 11 so we are cutting it close. Are there any brides out there that went to Jamaica without a passport? If so, did it cause any trouble?

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Do you have any stops in the USA? If you do, then you will need your passport even for a stop/change of flight.


Apparently you can travel to Jamaica without a passport, but there may be problems when you try to return.




It is the sole prerogative of each country or region to determine who is allowed to enter. All countries or regions have special requirements for persons intending to reside for extended periods (usually more than 90 days) or who plan to work, study, or engage in non-tourist activities. To obtain information on specific entry requirements, contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the destination(s) to be visited. Violations of entry and exit requirements may result in serious penalties.


The following information on entry and exit requirements has been confirmed with the Jamaican authorities. However, these requirements are subject to change at any time. It is the traveller's responsibility to check with the High Commission for Jamaica and its consulates for up-to-date information.


A Certificate of Canadian Citizenship is not a travel document. A Canadian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel and identification document available to Canadians for the purpose of international travel. Canadian citizens returning to Canada who present other documents, such as a Certificate of Canadian Citizenship, birth certificate, provincial driver’s license, or foreign passport, instead of a Canadian passport, may face delays or be denied boarding by transport companies.


While Jamaican immigration rules state that Canadians are only required to be in possession of valid official photo identification (such as a driver's licence) and proof of citizenship (such as a birth certificate) for travel to Jamaica, an increasing number of airlines in Jamaica are refusing boarding to Canadian passengers returning to Canada who are only in possession of these documents. Airlines have the right to refuse boarding to any passenger if they are not satisfied with the validity of the travel documents presented, regardless of the country's immigration entry rules. In order to avoid delays and other problems that may hinder their return to Canada, Canadian citizens are strongly advised to obtain a Canadian passport prior to initiating international travel and to carry it for all visits outside Canada. "

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You do need your passports to travel to Jamaica, and I think to get legally married in Jamaica you need to send a copy of your passport 1 month before hand.


If you can go to a Passport Canada Office to apply for them they can put a rush on them I am not to sure how much it costs, but it would be worth it.

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In the interest of time, I would you suggest you kick it in high hear. Expedite your passports and in the meantime send you other documentation until your passport comes in. You don't want to risk not having a wedding just because you are so laid back do you? Don't cause yourself anymore added stress--it will be tight but you have time and options! I wish you the best!

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We fly in a couple of weeks and this got sent out to all of our guests regarding passports from our travel agent:


"If you are a Canadian - first and last names need to spelled as per your passports and your passports need to be good for 6 months beyond your travel dates. Passports are not necessary but are highly advised. If not proper birth certificates in good shape and government issued photo id. It is your responsibility to check that you have the proper travel documentation we do not want any surprises at the airport"

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Do you live anywhere near a passport office? If you go into the office, there is a 2 week (or less) turn-around time.


i THINK you can use a birth certificate and driver's license for Canadians travelling as tourists to enter Jamaica. I'm not certain I'd take the risk though. Who knows if the custom's agent will consider a wedding "tourism" or "business"! And as a previous poster stated, if you have a layover in the USA, you definitely need a passport.

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