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Guest wearing their wedding dress


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What baffles me is, who the hell wears their wedding dress more than once? I agree that it's sometimes a significant amount of money spent on a dress that you'll only wear once, but even if you decide to have a casual wedding and wear a simple white sun dress, whenever you wear that dress anywhere else, people are going to KNOW it was your wedding gown, no matter how simple or elegant the gown is. So unless you plan on attending a lot of parties after your wedding without any family or friends or your DH, then why say "Well I'll get this, at least I can wear it again"?


My brain hurts lol

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Well, I can tell you this - if I was at her wedding and then at yours and saw her wearing her wedding dress at your wedding (wow, that is a mouthful!) then I would think she is the tackiest person in the universe.


She will be the talk of the town in a VERY negative way and only make you look like an even more beautiful bride.

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OH...MY...GOD! You have GOT to be kidding me?


That is so inappropriate, I'm totally floored! On the upside, I'm pretty sure most people find it ridiculous to wear your wedding dress anywhere and anytime other than your wedding day, so if your side of family is going to recognize it, I'm sure they'll laugh their asses off!


I'm with Becks, by the way...sic a friend with red wine on her - or better yet, have someone accidentally bump her into the pool (oops!)

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that is awful..I'm so sorry that someone would be so cruel to you on your wedding day...I totally think you should spill something on the dress if she decides to wear it (but on second thought you might not want to cause who knows what she will do in return)

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i thought it was wrong that my future sil wore white.....


i say let her do whatever she wants and then listen to all the crap people say about her. feel free to accidentally spill on her but she may retaliate... you know what kind of see-you-next-tuesday she is!

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That is very strange. One why would she, and two everyone knows you are not supposed to where white to t awedding as it is reserved for the bride. Sounds like someone that might be a little jealous of your day and trying to be a focal point to take some focus off you. I am very sorry you have a friend that would do this to you. Remember it is your day and there are polite ways to ask her not to.

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Ok, one more opinion. I think it is clear that she has issues. If she show up in her dress, she's going to look like a schmuck. Period. Don't fuel the fire, KWIM?


So worst case senario is that she shows up in the dress... I have a feeling that she won't hold a candle to you anyways... but introduce her to people and MENTION that this is her wedding dress to other guests. Drive the nail on the coffin.

Might do the trick.


I think it is sad, personally. If someone cannot get over themselves to be happy for you on the the most inportant day of your life...it is sad. So maybe replace that anger with pity. Obviously, she is not the calibur person that you are.

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