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Reception Seating Arrangements

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For our reception, we are using round tables that seat either 5 to 6 people.


Here's the issue: Francis' parents, who are divorced, do not have the "best" relationship. However, his Mom still wants to sit at the same table as his Dad, and his Dad said that it wouldn't be a problem. The issue is, whenever they are in the same room together, they cause a lot of drama and make things uncomfortable for everyone else.


I want to stick them on opposite ends of the reception area, but because they both have expressed interest in sitting together, I feel like I should honour their wishes. So I will. The way that I'm thinking of planning the table is by sitting them [clockwise] Mom, daughter, their other daughter, Dad, Dad's married friend, then his friend's wife who is friend's with the Mom. Confusing? LoL.


Do you think that this will work? Then, they aren't sitting beside each other, more like they are sitting across from one another. I can't go: Mom, sister, Dad, sister, friend, friend, because the Dad and one of the sisters don't get along either.


Oh brother.



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We had this problem too, except both sets of our parents are divorced, and a few of them have remarried too. My parents didnt sit together but my DH's sat together and it was okay. I think they just need to realize that is day is for you and to get over their own issues. I think your plan sounds good.

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My daughter's wedding brought together many different members of my family. My parents divorced approximately 35 years ago. Since that time my Dad married twice and my mother once. So for the wedding my Dad came (from the USA, single, although the 3rd wife was scheduled to come but cancelled at the last minute) and my mom came (from the UK, single). But also my Dad's 2nd ex-wife and her 3rd husband came. I have known her since I was about 5, she was married to my Dad for about 20 years, and my Dad and her have a good relationship.


I was extremely concerned about how this was going to work out because I have bad memories of what can happen when these people are in the same room. Some of those memories are from my own wedding so I was really stressed about what would happen at my daughter's wedding.


In the end, it all worked out and they ended up sitting together for the wedding reception. I had asked my daugther to do a seating plan but it wasn't what she wanted so for the reception everyone sat where ever they wanted.


I stressed about this but in the end they came together and behaved for the sake of the bride/their grand-daughter :)

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Wow...sounds like you ahve your hands full Heather!! LOL

My parents are divorced as well - my mom just recently lost her second husband so will be going solo...but my dad is bringing his second wife (the reason for their divorce in the first place). They have always been civil towards each other (although I'm not quite sure why my mom would be!) but I just feel like it's going to cause some awkward moments.

I think your idea of keeping there wishes while still keeping them kind of separate is a good idea.

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I discussed this idea over with Francis and my parents and they all think that it is a great idea. However, now that I just had his Dad come solo for a visit [he kept expressing his feelings still for the Mom] I'm thinking that maybe they will now want to sit beside each other instead of across from one another.


I'm so confused. Haha.



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