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Are you changing your name?

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When my mom married my dad, she changed her middle name to her maiden name and took my dad's last name; it's actually a Filipino tradition.


I am excited to take my FI's last name; to me it is symbolic of being married and becoming a family.  It will be interesting having his last name since it is a very common Hispanic last name and people will probably assume that I speak Spanish (which I don't).  I only have sisters so there is no one to carry on my last name, but surprisingly, my dad is against me keeping my maiden name or hyphenating it.  He's like, "that's too complicated; just keep it simple and take his," lol.  And after addressing 100 invites, I agree.  It was a lot of work to research each couple and find out if the wife changed her name or not!

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Taking his last name, but not dropping my last name either. My last name can just be another middle name. Personally, while my new married first and (his) last name doesn't have a ring to it, I do want to be "Mrs." :) Another thing is I want our kiddos and our family to have the common last name. lol, a funny tidbit--once I change my name, I suspect everyone will read it and assume I'm French. Wait till they see my lil Asian eyes peering through the door. hahaha! 


I'm very excited to be his wifey and Mrs! But, not taking your hubby's name is so common place these days, that it's totally just a preference thing. 

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Hi Everyone!!


You know I haven't thought too hard about this and it's very interesting to read everyones comments. I kinda like my name as it's been me my whole life... having said that I can't wait to have my FI's last name too.


The more I think about it, i'll probably keep mine and hyphenate, so everyone will know me as my married last name but anyone who didn't know I was married will still reconize me! hmmm... yep I think that'll work.


Thanks ladies... :)

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As much as I hate giving up my last name 'cause it's so unique and I've had it for 28 years, I will be taking his name.  Though I have to say... I grew up with a name NO1 could pronounce and of course I'm marrying someone with another unusual name!! LOL WTF all my girlfriends with the easy last names got new easy names.  Oh the luck! LOL

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I don't know if there are any brides in BC, but you should be aware you do not HAVE to change your last name to take your FI's name. See the bottom of this page: http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/marriage/howto.html . You only need to legally change it if you want to hyphenate or completely drop your maiden name. But this way, you get to use your husband's last name on things like your passport, driver's license, credit cards, etc., but you do not lose the right to use your maiden name. I love that!! :D

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I have always been very independent.  In fact, up until months ago, I had never really wanted to get married.  So, logically, I have never wanted to change my name. 


But then I actually read up on the history of it.  WOW!  I know that I will sound like a hyper-feminist, but learning the history definitely solidified my stance.


A groom paid the father of the bride to marry her, essentially "buying" her, and, yes, she was considered to be property.  That's why women had no rights back then, because they were only property.  And she took his name so that everyone knew who she "belonged" to.  I could describe more but it would only be depressing.


I am all for unity and family, but I just don't understand why anyone wants to honor a tradition like that.  Maybe you could start a new tradition where he takes your name?  Or you both just pick a new name? j/k

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