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appropriate or inappropriate?

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Originally Posted by lisaloo79 View Post
When you registered with the travel agent, was that to pay for the wedding or the honeymoon? Just wondering.

When I registered with my TA any gifts given would be put directly to the cost of the trip - not the wedding fees paid to the resort - and in the event that my trip was paid off the registry was closed the day of my wedding and any funds received would be given to me via cheque from the TA company.

I didn't get up getting a gift through my registry but that is mainly because no one came to my wedding (50 invites sent out) and I actually didn't get any gifts except from my parents & siblings.
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We invited everyone to JA and to the AHR knowing that not everyone would come. We had about 25 people in JA and almost 300 for the AHR. So since everyone was invited everywhere, they were all invited to the shower as well. We had about 80 women at the shower. We both have very large families, so there was no other option then big.


I think etiquette-wise, you shouldn't invite people to the shower that aren' tinvited to the wedding. But are they invited to the AHR? Cuz if they are, then I think that's ok to invited them to the wedding.


Also, try MyRegistry.com - All Stores One Registry ® to register. It's for any store, any item, even cash. I didn't use it, but others have. You can search for it for more info...

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