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Bridesmaid's just don't understand!!! LONG....just venting

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Ok...so I know I've mentioned on here that my wedding is not until June/Julyhuh.gif2008, but I'm having my bridesmaid (2 sisters, and 2 friends) get their dresses now.

I'm having them try on and get the JCrew dress that I've posted on other threads and at the time I was looking at them they were only $98 and this was a couple of weeks ago....So I told them to go try them on when they can. Well Yesterday I went on JCrew website to see if dress is still there and it is but the color I want (Rosebud) is on the sales section now. $69 now....One of my girls (vanessa) has already ordered her dress...I love her, she totally understands....but my sisters, and other friend are complaining that it is too early, or they're too busy to go try on dress.....

Geesh...I just need their sizes, then I can order the dress for them.....I'm sorry but I don't know how long that dress will still be there. I really want them to get this dress......They think I'm crazy.

Eitherway, I'm taking my younger sister (Renee) to JCrew tomorrow to try on a size then order, my older sister is going today to the mall (after I begged her to do so) and Shelly (friend) is angry at me but is going at her lunch time today to try on dress....She is really busy this weekend....but I told her all she needs to do is run in try on sizes and then I will not bother her again.


Sorry for writing so much, I just needed to vent.


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Ok - so, I don't get it. What is the point of complaining if you're going to get it sooner or later?! It's not like you're going to change your mind a bunch of times and make them buy more!! I would be pissed - clearly if it's on sale, they have to scoop them up before all of the sizes of that style are gone. Just tell them that they're lucky you found a dress ON SALE for so cheap (that's a really good price!), and if you wait chances are they'll end up paying more!!

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I have told them that but they keep complaining about it....

My friend Shelly is extremely busy today and this weekend (she's in a concert this weekend for her school, she's an opera singer) so I totally understand but I'm sorry don't need the attitude.

My sisters are just lazy.


I just don't know....it's only a size that I need...come on!rant.gif

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if nothing else, can't they just "guess" at their size. i mean, i could tell you what size i wore w/JCrew clothes, w/o even trying it on! and they should be happy, after picking up my bridesmaid dress for Marti's wedding in May, paying $150, then almost $100 in alterations, i'd be happy to run out right now to buy a $69 dress!

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I can actually understand their POV. Your wedding is still at least 14 months out which is a really long time from now. If you want to buy them now, I would suggest that you buy them yourself and hold onto them until closer to the wedding. That way, in case you change your mind/date/location they're not out the money. I am just speaking from experience.


I bought 8 bm dresses for my girls at Banana right at the beginning of planning before we had planned on doing a DW. I ended up having to return the $ and the dresses a few months later when we cancelled the hometown wedding and decided on a DW. A lot can happen in the next year.

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I've asked them to guess their size but all three have said they want to try on dresses...that's their choice not mine....


Vanessa guessed her size and ordered it online...when it gets to her house she is going to try it on and if it doesn't fit will send it back for a different size.

Like I said...she's my smart one LOL

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Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
I can actually understand their POV. Your wedding is still at least 14 months out which is a really long time from now. If you want to buy them now, I would suggest that you buy them yourself and hold onto them until closer to the wedding. That way, in case you change your mind/date/location they're not out the money. I am just speaking from experience.

I bought 8 bm dresses for my girls at Banana right at the beginning of planning before we had planned on doing a DW. I ended up having to return the $ and the dresses a few months later when we cancelled the hometown wedding and decided on a DW. A lot can happen in the next year.
Ya, but if she changes her mind then she can flip for the new dresses. At this point these dresses are on sale and won't be available in a year. Where is their loss? They are paying less and if she changes her mind then they get two dresses for the price of one! lol.
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That's a great deal. Hopefully you get all thee sizes and can order them while they are on sale.


On the flip side I had a friend who wanted me to order my MOH dress over a year in advance, but it was a lot more $$ and she was overall a demanding bride about so many things, and kept changing the colors, so I dropped out of that wedding party pretty quickly.

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I ordered my bridesmaid's dresses on J.Crew sale as well. I had to guess at two of the girls sizes because the prices were so good I didn't want to miss out. I went a size bigger than what I thought they were and when the dresses came they were too big but they paid $15-20 or so to have them altered slightly. So, if these are the dresses you really want then that's always an option.

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Originally Posted by NABUMBAH View Post
I can actually understand their POV. Your wedding is still at least 14 months out which is a really long time from now. If you want to buy them now, I would suggest that you buy them yourself and hold onto them until closer to the wedding. That way, in case you change your mind/date/location they're not out the money. I am just speaking from experience.

I bought 8 bm dresses for my girls at Banana right at the beginning of planning before we had planned on doing a DW. I ended up having to return the $ and the dresses a few months later when we cancelled the hometown wedding and decided on a DW. A lot can happen in the next year.
I've also told them that I would do this (buy their dresses for them) but they said no, that they will do it.
I've also been planning for this wedding since engagement (12/25/05), and changed my mind on location once and Erik and I changed the date from 2007 to 2008....So I KNOW I'M NOT CHANGING MY MIND ANYMORE lol, Erik and I promised eachother.
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