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Veil on the beach??

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If you want a veil then you should have one! One word of advice to all though... a little wind is great, but if it is a VERY windy day (like my wedding), ditch the veil for your ceremony. Mine was in my face the entire time... it looked fantastic in pics that we posed for, but it was in my face in pics of the ceremony sad.gif

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I am wearing a veil. I am with DGG...you wanting to wear one is enough reason to wear it. My FI said the same thing about wearing the veil because of the wind and stuff, but I so want to wear a veil, so I am. If it blows around, it blows around. I saw a picture online some where and it was a picture of the MOH holding the veil while it was blowing in the wind. It was a sweet picture moment. I feel the same that I won't feel complete unless I am wearing a veil. If you want it, then go for it!

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