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No dress, we leave in 14 days

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….a long story and I just donâ€t have the energy to explain everything in detail again, so hereâ€s a quick synopsis: I was unhappy with my seamstress from the get go, she screwed up so much and I was so frustrated that I kept having to point out such obvious errors. One big one was I asked her to sew a bra into the dress.. well she did this BUT you could totally see the bra thru the dress mad2.gif – and the fact that she thought that was ok.. grrrr. Anyway, fine I pointed it out to her and asked her to fix it. Her solution was to pull them out and sew the cups to the bra on the outside of the inside (if that makes sense) – which omg – are you kidding me!! whatever – I let it go and thought at least nobody could see it. So when I got home and put the dress on (over a week and half ago now) I thought it looked funny as it was pulling from the right side. So I called my neighbor and got her opinion and she thought the same but suggested I get some two sided tape and that should fix the problem. Well stupid me - I of course, waited a freaking week to get the proper stuff and tried it last night and it doesnâ€t work… !! So then I said screw it and cut out the bra cups because I figured it was just too tight with them in… this worked but it also uncovered another one of her f**k ups.. the seams are uneven and one side even bubbles. With the cups in you couldnâ€t notice it but with them out itâ€s so obvious.

So I was freaking out last night and crying out of pure frustration - I called a completely different bridal store and have an appointment for Monday at 1130am. They sell off the rack and said anything can be altered within 4 days. Holy crap I just canâ€t believe this is happening. The one wonderful thing is that my dear FI said ‘just get another dress, and who cares what it costs, just find something you like (which made me cry even harder). Cross your fingers for me that I find something and sorry for the long rant, and if it doesnâ€t make sense - Iâ€m at work and Iâ€m pretending to work which is distracting lol


and I know I should call this lady and give it to her censored.gif but to be honest I just donâ€t have it in me, my mum is going to call the bridal shop and explain what happened but at this point I donâ€t want the dress I really donâ€t, I know thatâ€s weird but I have so much grrrrr over it I just want to let it go and find something new…

thanks for listening ladies

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i've got a good feeling about this, i think the first dress was not meant to be yours but i think you will find THE dress on monday!


++++++++++fingers crossed+++++++++++

that you will find the perfect dress!!!!

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OMG Tracy, that is so crappy hug2.gif I decided at the last minute that my dress wasn't right for me and walked into a salon and found a gorgeous 2nd dress with less than a month to go - so it's totally possible! You'll do great. Here's hoping that you find something even more beautiful and (much more) wearable.

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OMG Tracy. That's terrible!! I can't believe you have to go through this so close to your wedding - that sucks so bad!! But what an amazing FI you have!!! That is so great of him! Good luck with the new hunt - I can totally understand how you just want the other one to go away. It's caused so much grief now that that's probably all you'd think about when you put it on - even if it got fixed perfectly.

Let us know how things go. I'm sending good dress shopping vibes your way ~~~~~~~~~~~~

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