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WW for 2010 Brides!!


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Originally Posted by vgirl17 View Post
Hi Mrs D. and Lisa!!! I miss you guys! I'm great! Super busy with planning now. I got my dress too!!! I need to start posting more so I can get more points to download stuff again!! LOL! I've been maintaining but haven't lost that much lately. I was doing great at going to the gym for a while but that slowed down lately. My oldest is in cheer and our schedule has been pretty hectic. I just need to get to bed early (which has been impossible with all the stuff I'm doing after work...wedding logo, reminder postcards, EVERYTHING wedding related!) and get up in the AM and go back to the gym! I still watch my points but I'm at a stage where if I don't work out I won't see as much results. Not to mention I got my dress!!!! So I NEED to tone my arms and upper body so I'm not spilling out of the top of it! LOL! I feel like time is speeding by now so I have to get back on the gym mission ASAP!

Lisa you're doing great!!! Whatever works! cheer2.gif
I'm the same, just maintaining now, happy to coast at that over winter...then aim for those 6lbs to come off after xmas! Still hitting the classes alot...addicted to body pump at the mo...trying, like you, to get toned arms!! wonder if it'll happen!! the pain in my upper arms just now makes me think yes!! haha

glad you and lisa are doing good....not long to our big days now...ooh and i can't wait to see your dress!! cheesy.gif
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Hi everyone! I'm Suzanne, I'm doing weight watchers to get ready for my Jan. 17th wedding. I've done it on and off for a little over a year. I just started a month ago and so far I'm still going strong. I'm hoping that by reading posts on here it can keep me motivated (although fitting into my wedding dress has done a good job of that so far). By the way I love the weight loss tickers some of you have...have to go make one for myself!

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My name is Meg. I've been doing WW on and off for the last year and seem to gain and lose the same 10 pounds...eek. Anyways, with the wedding officially 99 days away I think it's time to start making some real lifestyle changes. I measured my waist tonight and it's 34"...not so good for me.


Wish me luck!

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welcome4.gif Suzanne and Meg! You've come to the right place! It's nice to have a place to check in to keep you motivated and get support when you need it :)
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Sandra, I'd say just do it! A few times I've gone through periods where I've stopped counting and gone way overboard and when I decide to start counting points again I'm worried about what the scale will say. But...you know that weighing yourself is the starting point for loosing because once you are back on track each time you step on that scale again the numbers should be going down. You can do it! Good luck!

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Originally Posted by Sandra&Mario View Post
I've been so busy lately with wedding planning and work that I haven't focused on my weight loss. I'm scared of stepping on the scale sad.gif Anyone have a great tip to put me back on track!?
Hi Sandra! I have to agree with SuzG... Just do it :) I did the same thing as you... got SUPER busy with wedding planning... put everything else on the back burner... but once I got back on the scale I at least knew where I stood and how much more I needed to go. You'll feel better that you "know" and aren't worried about what it will say... you never know, it may not be as bad as you think :)
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I've had some success with WW in the past and have jumped back into it with both feet! After having my daughter and being lazy with watching my diet, I gained all the weight I lost back sad.gif along with 10 extra pounds! So I am back to the start and would like to lose 50 lbs over the next 6 months. I lost 5 in my first week *thanks to all the fruit smoothies I've been inhaling! This is great to have some motivation on this thread.

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Well ladies....this is the LAST board that I have chosen to come to!! LOL I knew the day was coming. I am a lapsed WW's member...been on the program time and time again. Joined a few months back and stayed on for a couple of weeks and stopped...but...have a Monthly pass. Soooo...I am hoping that I can get my act together to re-start again.


I will read your posts for inspiration...maybe it will help me get myself in gear!! Best of luck to all.

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