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WW for 2010 Brides!!


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Well ladies, my weight is droping so I'm so very excited!! woo hoo!!! :) I know, I'm cheating WW and following another diet, but I am still weighing-in at WW and will always follow their great advice! I have now lost 8.1 lbs, woooooooooo!!!!!!! :)

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Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! View Post
well done lisa!!! that is brilliant!! do it 4 times over and you've bet your target!! goo girl!!
I didn't think of it that way, but yeah, I CAN DO THIS!!! My target is just a mini one. It's alot bigger really but I didn't want to post it because I figured that my ticker would NEVER get there! lol
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Originally Posted by Sandra&Mario View Post
Congrats Lisa!!! You're well on your way! It's great that you set a mini goal! It makes the ticker fly by!! Then when you've reached that amazing goal, you could always set another if that's what you want! Either way, it's a great accomplishment :)
Thanks for the congrats girl! :) and that's my plan, small goals along this looooooooooooooooooooonnnggggggggggg road! lol
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