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I'm so frigging mad...


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...it's not even funny.


Someone (and I know who it is but she won't friggin admit it and it makes me want to strangle her) stole some of my wedding photos.


It had to be her - she was the last person to look at them last night (I noticed that some were missing this morning when I went to show someone else...and they had all been there before she looked at them last night), she's the only person who looked at them without me around, and she's the only person who WOULD do something like that. Friggin' wench.


How creepy is that? Why would you want someone else's wedding pictures when you're not a friend or a member of their family...and even if you DID want a picture, what's the big deal in asking? I'd have given her one if she had've asked...


Makes me so mad!

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Melissa - have you confronted her about it? That is weird, but those people are out there. Maybe she didn't want to pay for it? Not that I'm justifying her actions, I'm just trying to figure out why someone would steal someone elses wedding pictures! I'd say, give her a call and ask if she "accidentally" took some pictures when she was looking. If she says no, tell her to check the bag she brought just in case! I once did that - she went and checked for the item while I sat on the phone and she came back and said "Oh - oh ya, it must have fallen in my bag! Weird" Mmmk, w/e - give it back!!!

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I did confront her - I said "Can you look through your stuff and make sure that none of my wedding photos accidentally ended up mixed in with your things? I'm missing a few and you were the last one who had them last night" (I did this privately as to not embarrass her or anything if she did in fact have them/admit to having them)


And she put on this big stupid fake "I dont know what you're talking about" look and started stammering on about how she had nothing on her desk but my pictures and there's no way it could have fallen into her stuff and blah blah blah....and then about half an hour later she loudly annouced to everyone in my office that she does not have my wedding photos.

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