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We are here, we are there, and oh we have no idea


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Hi everyone! I have peeked at these forums for months and still we are confused on where we wanna go and what we wanna do :)

My Name is Colleen, and I am engaged to be married to a lovely man next winter (2009, early 2010). Location is very up in the air due to a recent long distance relationship, work moved me back Stateside after we were living in London (he is English), so he is there and I am here. We want a destination wedding, ...well regardless now it will be a destination for at least one of us. So lets get planning. Originally we were thinking Sweden in a Ice Hotel but with the recent move for me and all the planning around moving back to the UK the stress levels of planning something soo far away seems really tricky now. I toyed with Hawaii because we can get our license there while we wed and still on US soil so to speak but I have read so many wonderful things about Mexico on these forums I just we are just still planning and planning at this point. So like I mentioned in the title.. we have NO IDEA at this point but its lovely to be here and meet you all and I am sure there are some great resources to help guide us.

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LOL! Colleen, I love your post and thread title - too cute!! wink.gif


It's so common to flip-flop between destinations, but I'm sure the fact that you and your FI are in two different locations (COUNTRIES!) doesn't help!! I am biased towards Mexico, no matter where I've been there, it always amazes me. It's tends to be more affordable... but then again I've never been to places like Hawaii and would still love to go! I know it's overwhelming, but I'd start by narrowing it down a little. Figure out what your budget is and find a few resorts in each location within the budget, then take it from there; pros and cons for each resort/location, etc.


Welcome to the forum Colleen, and happy planning!!

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I had the same problem; I spent 3 months researching every island in the Caribbean, every country in Europe, and many states in the USA. I got so freakin' frustrated, and then one day I stumbled upon "the one" (and in my case, it ended up NOT being a resort, like I originally planned for, and instead a restaurant). So, eventually my hard work paid off; but there were certainly days where I was like, "forget it, I don't want to look any more!". But trust me; eventually you will find "the one" too!! Gosh, it's an awful lot like dating, huh? It's funny you mentioned the food & photography; those were my two most important things too!! So, of course I am biased, but you should check out the Grand Old House in Grand Cayman, if food is your thing! Regardless of what you end up choosing, I am sure you will have a beautiful wedding. :)

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