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Wedding planning - can use some help

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So my FI and I are the most indecisive couple around. Seriously. How many times are we going to change our minds? lol


So our destination is defintely picked, but now we are thinking instead of the two of us we would like to invite our immediate family. I feel like the most cluess bride trying to plan this wedding, its a little overwhelming. Probably doesnt help that planning anything makes me a bit anxious. I think once some things get set Ill relax a bit, I hope!


Anyhoo, so how does this process work? Do I try to get a RSVP from people before I find a place, or vice versa? Or do I take a guestimate of people and book a place based on that? I guess where do I go from here?


Im finding a hard time even finding a location due to the number of guests we will have. I would say 30 max. But probably more like 10-15. And all the resorts on Sanibel are for larger crowds, or is way out of our budget. Such as $2000 for the ceremony, and than $130-$150 per person at the reception.


I contacted one wedding planner but I wasnt to impressed with her. And I want to get more ideas before I contact another because how can someone help me when I dont even know what I want! LOL


Yes, Im probably the most clueless bride ever.

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Try talking to a Travel Agent about which resort to choose. Many specialize in Destination Weddings, and I'm sure there are some awesome ones out there who have experience for Sanibel Island. That being said, you could ask people to RSVP and then choose a resort, but that might be trouble. People might be anxious that they don't know where they're staying, plus they might think they'll be shelling out a certain amount of money for the trip, but might back out if they find out the price changed. It's probably a better idea to get a feel for how many you think might attend, and then choose a resort based on that ballpark figure.


You might also want to consider renting a beach house or villa if there are some in that area. One or two of those might house all your guests and could be a cheap alternative to staying at a resort.

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I think many of us feel like the "most clueless bride ever" (I know I did), as, for most of us, this is our first wedding, and for the majority of us, it is our first destination wedding! Just keep researching, using this forum, TripAdvisor, and Google, and soon you'll feel like an expert! And, I agree with Sapphire, if you're only going to have 10-15 people, a villa with a caterer might be the best way to go!

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