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Wisdom Teeth Pain - Worst Time of Year For It!

Mrs D To Be!

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Hi all! merry christmas to you all!


Just wanted to have a wee moan....started getting pains in the back of my mouth 2 days ago, thought it was just a bit of toothache...then yesterday it became clear it was my wisdom tooth coming in! arrgghhh. started taking painkillers last night, but was up ever 3 hours needing more! boo hoo to me! I'm sure i have more or less overdosed today, so have stopped taking painkillers and are on hot drinks and hot flannel at my cheek constantly!


Today...christmas day....has been the worst....not be able to finish any of my lovely yummy meals...because its too sore and i can hardly open my mouth! can you believe my luck?!


So think of poor me when your tucking into all your lovely food today....i'm lying about feeling sorry for myself! sad.gif



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It must be the time of year.


Last Wednesday I had the wisdom teeth on my right side, along with my 2nd molar taken out. Well of course they where extremely impacted, so they had to put me under. I still can't eat really hard foods.


Late Sunday night I was in more pain then I was 2 days after they took them out!!! I was living on Vicodine, of course that gives me nausea. So I couldn't do anything for the week. I didn't feel the pain, but I couldn't get out of bed without feeling like I was gonna puke!!


Tuesday, went in for my post op exam. The dentist tells me "The worse is behind us!" I wanted to scream!!! I sure hope the worse is behind us, cause I think I would have killed him if he told me it gets worse!! He gave me Darvocet instead for my pain, when its not as strong as the vicodine, it doesn't make me wanna hurl.


I had my left side done like 10 years ago, and I don't remember it taking this long to heal. Oh well, atleast my sinus' feel GREAT!

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thanks girls. in the uk, we have a helpline we can call in an emergency called "nhs 24" - i called my dentists number last night to see when they open back up (monday!) and the answering machine directed you to nhs 24 - so i went through, manly for some advise on what i should be taking for pain relief, because i didn't like the idea of mixing tablets and overdosing (obviously!!lol)


anyway, the girl i spoke to advised me to start a routine of taking 2 paracetamol every 4 hours, and every 2 hours inbetween, take 1 cuprofen....and swivel lots of hot salty water around my mouth...so last night i done this...and the pain went away after the first 2-21/2 hours! i was able to eat!! and even open my mouth to have a look at my teeth....the tooth has defo cut, which is half the battle! So i went to bed last night thinking i might have a restful sleep? no such luck, but not the worst so far....went to bed about 2...knowing i HAD to sleep til at least half 3 as thats when my next tablets were due...slept til 6!woo hoo...but when i woke then, the pain was terrible! so been up since then clock watching for my next round of pain relief...its almost 11am right now, so i've taken my half 6, half 8 and half 10 does, as well as hot salty water...and the pain is still strong...booooo! i thought i had the cure last night! h2b was amazed at how much my mood had been lifted last night...i was feeling soooo sorry for myself all day! now its happening again! sad.gif


just thought i'd give you girlies an update!


ooh, and thanks for letting me know about your experiences girlies - nice to know i'm not the only one suffering at this time of year! i really really hope i don't need to get teeth taken out, but i think i might need to, all my teeth are killing me, and it does feel crowded...but i suppose when your in this much pain it is going to!lol


maybe a bit of boxing day retail therapy will help!? :)

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