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Nothing like a FIRE on Christmas morning....


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...I just had the scare of my life!! My mom was making a pernil (pork) in the oven and i kept telling her that something smelled and something was burning my eyes. Finally we looked inside the oven and some of the water from the pan leaked onto the bottom of the oven & on the aluminum my mom put there (to catch the drippings)...and it was smoking just a bit. I dont know why she decides to put more aluminum foil in the oven (I didnt know this until after I opened it back up again) but it was like adding wood to a fire. The smoke became more intense and I called her again...that's when we saw the flames inside the oven!!!! I opened it up and started screaming for my dad and husband....my dad has an extinguisher in the basement which I was about to grap when he tells me it doesnt work!! (WTF)....the smoke and flames were intense...but luckily (thank you God) the flames didnt get a chance to spread...my mom & dad threw a wet towel inside the oven and smothered the flames. Now our kitchen is completely smoky and I dont know what happened to our Christmas dinner...I had to come upstairs and escape the smoke which was really bothering my eyes and throat. I'm going back down now to find out what the damage is....I just needed to vent and say how this really scared and shook us. I never experienced a fire before.


Merry Christmas guys!!

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thanks ladies...it was the scariest thing ever. When I saw those flames, I really saw our whole house burning down bc the flames became intense after we opened the oven door! But thank God that didn't happen...and dinner was actually spared (phew). The oven was burned pretty bad and we have to wipe down the cabinets and walls from smoke damage...other than that, everything is A-okay. I definitely will be telling this story for years to come...

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Yikes, that's quite the scare!! The silver lining is a good story for years to come. Something similar happened several years back at my grandparents house on Xmas Eve, except my grandpa caught on fire!! Everything was ok; my grandpa didn't get badly burned, thanks to my uncle to pretty much tackled him to the ground to smother the fire. I was like 2 years old, so I don't remember, but I've heard the story a million times.


I'm glad your family is ok (and the food too!). I'm sure the next time you get the same feeling there is something wrong, you'll be jumping up to investigate right away!! Good instincts... i think you saved the day!!!!

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