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New Years resolutions


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This will give me some accountability, so here are mine!

  • Print and organize all of my photos into albums - believe me, this is a daunting task: I've got thousands of unsorted personal photos.
  • One day a week learn 3 new species ID features (birds, plants, fish).
  • Learn one new photo skill every week.
  • Expand my career network.
  • Pay down debt by decreasing bills, spending, and interest rates AND sticking to a BUDGET (eep!).
  • Update my photo blog at least twice a week.

These are not necessarily in order of importance, because they are all very important in their own facets of my life. :)

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In order of importance:

  • Be confident in what I want to do, but especially in what I have to say! I have this evil insecurity of looking everywhere else besides a persons eyes and giggling/smiling too much when speaking or being spoken to.
  • Return phone calls/texts, dont break plans last minute, stop being so much of a flake. I hadnt realized I became anti-social over the years until I finally broke off a longterm unhealthy friendship
  • Take better care of my appearance. I want to be a girlie girl this year!
  • Train for a race...maybe even for a marathon. I started 2 years ago and lost motivation while wedding planning. This one covers tone up/weight loss too!
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