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Wedding after thoughts...

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christa I still can't believe it's been 3 weeks already. Wow...

Thank you so much for your insights...They were truly needed. I have been occassionally stressing out about things but after sitting down and reading your review when you wrote it I just relaxed and took everything to heart. Your right, there is no need to stress, the guests are adults they can take care of themselves, if a DIY project is not going well or your stressing out about there are other options...

Thank you again.smile03.gif

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Thanks for sharing, Christa. Sounds like you had some really special moments. I'm sure most of us have cracked at one time or another or misdirected our frustrations on the good people who are always there (FI, parents). In the end it is about two people's love. Fortunately I have remained stress free for the most part but I remind myself of this when I start to lose it (bm dress problems, guest drama). My mother keeps telling me I am doing too much for my guests and to back off and let everything be, how they should be catering to us and not vice versa. I'm not a control freak but this is like the first huge event we have planned as a couple so naturally I want it to be my vision of perfection. But whether they have 5 items in their OOT bags or 25, when the guests go home it is all about our love. Thanks for the wisdom :)

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I also have to say I can't believe it's already been 3 weeks. Gosh how time goes by quickly. I totally agree with you, I have stressed and stressed about our wedding, and then one casual converstion with a stranger about how one of her friends were in cabo and they just decided to get married, 24 hours later they were. It kindof put things in perspective for me.

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Hey Christa, It was great reading this. I can echo a lot of those same feelings. It really just makes me feel like I have ZERO doubt about marrying the person I married and also having the wedding we had. It's just a fabulous memory and a great way to start your life together! I guess we should just be thankful that we are this lucky in life and love to have all of this!

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christa - this was such a great post!! very heartfelt and true! thank you so much for writing this for all of us and giving us the reminder to keep things in perspective and remember the real reason behind the event!!! your wedding sounds absolutely amazing and i'm so happy for you and rafael! it's so easy to get caught up in the little details and stress out about the planning so it's nice to have this reminder about what is really important!! congratulations again to you - hope you are loving married life!

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yikes. i was scanning the posts i hadn't read yet, and read this title wrong, i read it as "wedding 2nd thoughts" - i was like OH CRAP! when i looked to see who started it, i was like - uh oh, she's already married and having second thoughts. i was so relieved when i realized i had read it wrong. WHEW!


anyway - great post. really puts things into perspective for everyone. thanks!

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