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Meeting with Chandlyn

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I initiated my communication with Chandlyn about 6 weeks before my wedding date. I emailed listing everything I knew I wanted (mostly info from this website) She confirmed everything for me. I told her the date and time I am arriving at the hotel and she gave me a time to meet her in the lobby.

So far she has been excellent with me, responses are anywhere from 1-3 days. I am very happy with her so far.

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I don't remember setting up an appt with Chandlyn prior to leaving. When I arrived I just went to the front desk & had them call her. She was crazy busy that week & it was really hard to catch her.


I suggest going straight to her office after you arrive & get settled. If she's not there you can leave a message for her thru the front desk or actually, just go to her office & leave a note on her desk. You will find her...eventually! LOL


But don't worry, once you meet with her, it will be quick & you will see that she's very organized & everything will fall into place. She had all of my emails detailing everything that I wanted.

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Just a heads up for other Jan 17-24 brides. I tried to book my appt with Chandlyn for Jan 19th which is the monday after we arrive. She was unable to do that day but has me scheduled in for Jan 20th.

May want to book your appt ahead of time as Jan is high wedding time (if you haven't done so already).

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he's doing alright....they were able to delay his root canal by 3 months by injecting some sort of medication in his gums. phew...at least he'll be on my benefits plan by then!


and his leg is in a cast til we leave so that's that.


1 month...i can't believe it!!! sooooooooooo excited!!!!! :)

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I made an appointment with Chandlyn about 1 month before I left, but when I tried to find her that day, she wasn't there. I had to go back to her office a few times that day before she was showed up. She's a VERY busy woman, so if I were you I'd try to stop at her office after you check-in and then keep going back every time you pass through the lobby til you get a hold of her. But (like others have said) she is on top of everything and will take care of everything.

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