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Doggy Daycare?


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We took our first dog to doggy day care. He was a puppy so i wanted him to be socialized because i knew i wanted a second dog. He absolutely loved it there. He would get so excited when we pulled up there and he was so warn out when he left. He would pass out as soon as i picked him up. I think the cost was $30 a day but you could buy packages that made it cheaper like i would buy 5 sessions and it would make it a little cheaper. I only took him a couple of times a week until we got our second dog.

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
We took our first dog to doggy day care. He was a puppy so i wanted him to be socialized because i knew i wanted a second dog. He absolutely loved it there. He would get so excited when we pulled up there and he was so warn out when he left. He would pass out as soon as i picked him up. I think the cost was $30 a day but you could buy packages that made it cheaper like i would buy 5 sessions and it would make it a little cheaper. I only took him a couple of times a week until we got our second dog.
Hey Danielle!
That's what we are thinking too! We really want another dog and our puppy now does not really get to "socialize". I actually feel a little nervous for him. He such a sweet & loving puppy. I don't want him to get bullied around! ha!
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He wont get bullied around. Just pick a place that he is always supervised. Plus they should divide the dogs by size. like small/med/puppies and than large dogs would be in another room. My dog was really sweet but loved to play so they would keep him away from the older dogs that didnt like to play.


You can see a difference between my two dogs personalities. the one that went to doggy day care loves other dogs and playing with them. the other is scared of other dogs (besides her bro). I really wish i would of socialized her more so she would be better around other dogs.


I'm sure your dog will like it. I had to go in for an interview first and they took Camo in to meet some dogs to see how he would react. If he was really agressive they wouldnt let him the doggy day care. Then they gave us a tour of the place. We first took him once a week just a half day to see if he liked it than we started doing full days about 2 times a week.


I have no regrets, even if all my family teases me for putting my dog into day care. lol

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I just looked into this for our two pups since they have begun to steal items from other people's property when we aren't home (two bunny slippers and a ski hat so far)...we live on 2.5 acres and they have free run of the place, but now they are venturing beyond the borders and have become puppy bandits, so until we figure out a way to gate the property, doggy day care it is!

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My Family also laughs everytime I say Doggy daycare, but for the past year, my dog has been going 2 days a week and he LOVES it. I send him Thursday & Fridays and by the time the weekend comes, he is tired, relaxed and a good little boy..Hahahahahaha

I think you really have to be a dog person to understand the benefits of Doggy Daycare. I mean I think everyone puts their dogs in there for a reason, not just because it cute, ya know?

My dog is 2 1/2...He has ALWAYS loved other dogs, people, my cat...everything, but we work 9 hours a day and he is in his crate the whole time.

He;s very used to it now, as he has been trained that way since he was a puppy. When he sees me put my coat on, he goes and patiently waits for his treat (he always gets) then I shut the cage and leave.

But with Doggy Daycare..He;s only in the cage 3 days a week and the other 2 days he's at Daycare from 7am-6pm!! They have play time and from 12-2 is nap time..LOL it's really cool.

And he is in heaven on Fridays because we call that Lab day...For some reason there are like 10 other labs that go there on Fridays and they play so hard....When he gets home on Friday he can barely keep his eyes open! Too Funny

I even send him there overnight if I need to and I feel totally comfortable. I really am appreciative for the owners there. They dedicate their lives to other peoples dogs.

Buddy will be there for a whole 9 days when we are in Cancun...& that is the longest he's ever been there and the longest we've been without him :-( It's def gonna be hard. He is my heart :-)

But the point of this loooonngg post..LOL was to say...Doggy Daycare is really popular and a really great thing to do, not only for your pet who will LOVE & benefit from it, but also fro yourself! :)

Oh & ours is $25.00 a day.


Good Luck!

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