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Why get married? Marriage vs. Common-law

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Hey ladies:


Well, we are all brides-to-be or newly wed so we have made the decision to get married.


In today's society, marriage rates are crumbling and common-law relationships are sky rocketing. Many say that they are one in the same.


My question to you is: do you see a difference? And if so, what is it?


I already know what I think....just wondering what your thoughts are.


Let's talk!



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Illinois doesnt recognize common law, so to be married, you actually have to get married! I think the difference in my mind is that marriage means declaring your committment to the world, versus just staying in a relationship until someone else determines that your married.


I lived with a guy for years and we were engaged but I couldnt bring myself to marry him. If it were common law, it would just be, and it wasnt right, just convenient. So peoples situations would make the difference, but I always want to have a love that is powerful enough to declare to world!

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Well I am currently in a common-law relationship (we have been living together for 2.5 years) but we are still planning a wedding. We met overseas and decided to move to Canada so we had to declare ourselves common-law for me to sponsor him. We were still planning to get married but didn't want to just do a quickie wedding for legal reasons. Not very romantic!

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NH's common law only applies to those who have been cohabiting for a period of 3 or more years and acknowledge each other as husband and wife/are reputed as such. Even then it only applies after one partner dies.


So I suppose that is the legal reason for marriage vs. common law here in NH. Other than that, it's a commitment and a promise to build a life together no matter how hard it may sometimes get

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NH's common law only applies to those who have been cohabiting for a period of 3 or more years and acknowledge each other as husband and wife/are reputed as such. Even then it only applies after one partner dies.


So I suppose that is the legal reason for marriage vs. common law here in NH. Other than that, it's a commitment and a promise to build a life together no matter how hard it may sometimes get

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