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Parents cant get a Birthday cake for son named Hitler


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i saw this a few days ago. there are other articles about this too - one which specifically says that they are white supremicists and that they have swastikas all over their house. the dad says "it's just a name, why is it a big deal?" i think he's an asshole. one of the comments on another articles said something like, "we won't be surprised in 10 years when a 13 year old is arrested for putting his parents in an oven" which i thought was a rather clever remark, as over the top as it may be.


on a somewhat related note, years ago i heard that nj had more kkk members than any other state...idk if that's true tho.

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Argh!! This story made me so mad!!! Yeah, they denied being White Supremacists, and say they just liked the name or whatever (yeah, because it such a great name, right), but in the article I read, the parents supposedly repeatedly have tried to order cakes in the past with swastikas all over them--so what's their excuse there? They just like the designhuh.gif I'm all for freedom of speech, but this is just $%&*! shameful. Such hateful people. Sigh.

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WOW!!!! I don't blame shop rite, that's their policy and seriously they could have bought the $2 tube and put it on themselves. But seriously why do that to your children? The children probably won't end up changing their names, cause they'll probably grow up to be angry mean children cause everyone in school makes fun of them. I'm totally okay w/ people naming their children whatever they want to, but honestly if my daughter came home from school and asked to go to Adolph Hitlers house and play w/ him and his sister Joycelynn Aryan Nation I'd say no, and stay away from that family. no one names their kids those names w/ out being KKK or white supremacists.


I don't think this went national, cause I didn't hear about this and as crazy as it sounds, I'm a CNN fanatic and have it playing all day and didnt' hear it.


We have a lakehouse in Hayden, ID on Hayden Lake and there used to be a huge Aryan Nation complex thing, then they shot a local jew girl and she lived and sued them and took their property. There aren't many of them up there anymore.

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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
A couple of things piss me off about this (besides the obvious)
- These kids don't have a chance. Until they are old enough to change their names they have to live with them. It's not the parents that go to school/apply for job/etc with those names. It's the poor kids.

- The #&@*%^(@$^ cowardice of the parents. We all know you are racist white supremacists based on your tats and childrens' names. Don't deny it. I'm sure they are all loud, proud and strong at their KKK rallies - but too chicken to say what the names are really about in the national media. Don't patronize us with that lame answer. Free speech? It's not about free speech, don't hide behind that.

- Make the damn cake yourself you lazy ass faces.

Can you tell this makes me mad?
well said kate. when i reading the article I was thinking the same thing.. making own freaking cake you lazy assesssssss
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