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Totally frustrated... (venting)


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I am officially 1 week late for Aunt Flow. I am always regular. DH and I have been "sort of" TTC for 4 months now. By that I mean we aren't charting, but I'm aware of when things are supposed to happen. I've now taken what feels like 100 pregnancy tests, and they've all been negative except 1, and that one was really faint and was followed 2 days later by a negative. I'm totally confused about what's going on with my body! I'm a doctor, so inherently I know that my hormones are probably just off this month for some reason, but its utterly frustrating! I have an appointment Monday with the OB, but my hubby is driving me nuts. Everyday he wants me to take another test, and to be honest, its really depressing when they come up with a single line...

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Thanks for listening :) I've missed you girls too! And Mo - OMG 33wks already! I really haven't been around...


I think the thing that is hardest is that my DH is convinced we're pregnant, so he got rid of my Diet Coke, won't let me drink a beer, and keeps pouring me glasses of milk - lol. And except for him, I don't want to talk to anyone about it, because my mom will go crazy that she's going to be a Nana! We decided not to tell friends we were trying, so that's out as well. Its been a really emotionally trying week. Everytime I take one I think it'll turn positive, try to distract myself for 5 minutes, and then deal with the disappoint - again.


I know this is just the beginning of the rollercoaster of TTC, but it sucks. We were planning on starting to chart this month, and really give it the old try, but I'd need to actually get AF for that to start!

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Jenn, I'm sorry it's been so frustrating. I hope it comes back positive this month! That's cute (probably annoying to you though) that Sam is being so concerned and making you drink milk and whatnot. Keep us updated on what's going on!


I've missed you around here too!!!!!!

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