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AHR Cocktail Napkin - at a complete loss!!

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When in doubt take a poll with my lovely girls!!!!


So today my plan was to get the rest of the items for the AHR which is the 17th of Jan out of the way. I kept forgetting about it and then living up here in the Northeast with no power except at work for the past 6 days now....SUCKS!!!! So anyway made sure that everyone knew days ago that today was gonna be the day for the rest of the ordering frenzy for this.


Already, I have ordered the camera's for the tables, bubbles (only because they were in aqua colored bubble stuff, so I had too), and now I am on cocktail napkin duty.... Here is my problem though, WHAT DO I USE AS MY SECOND LINEhuh.gifhuh.gif I just can't figure this out and Jay just looked at me like uummmm you think I know?? LOL...


I'm leaving it up to you girls... what do you think will work best


Amanda & Jason



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